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"you're kinda stupid, attorney. you just showed me where those two live" haruchiyo said chuckling.

"i know. but i won't let those two girls walk alone at night. besides, i predicted that you've already found out about their address too, smartass." y/n responded. defending herself from the other's insult.

"hah. you're right. I'm a well prepared man after all." he proudly said.

"don't you dare lay a finger on them, sanzu haruchiyo. I'll protect them from you, even if it costs my life." y/n unconsciously said.

"ooh. scary." the other teased. "since you said that you'll protect them even if it costs your precious life, how about you give it to me then? I'll ensure your love one's safety if you do. I'll pay for your debt too as a bonus since i personally know them."

y/n was silent for a moment. she didn't want to make a wrong decision but at the same time there's no right decision.

she sighs before answering. "before anything else. tell me, what do you want from me?"

"your connections. you can still keep your job while working for bonten since it's what we're after." the man said while scratching his chin. "and i like you." he said smiling.

y/n was frozen for a second because of haruchiyo's last words. she's unsure if it was serious or not. what the fuck is wrong with this man? she asked herself.

she massages her temples thinking well about this. she have no choice but to accept haruchiyo's offer. "fine. you better be true to your words"

"yeah yeah, whatever. hurry up and drive." haruchiyo said impatiently.

y/n sucked her teeth and started the car. the whole ride was silent. you can only hear sanzu saying left or right from time to time while y/n was silently praying to the Gods that she'll spot police officers or a police station on the way but looks like the Gods denied her prayers.

"there are no signs of those annoying cops today huh. lucky" haruchiyo said as he whistled happily. "there, go inside the parking lot. we're here. just follow my lead when we get off"

it was a huge fancy building but it doesn't stand out that much since it's surrounded by buildings with almost the same structure and designs. if y/n isn't mistaken, this is probably a fancy dormitel.

y/n's head is a mess. she doesn't know if what hell awaits her. is she gonna meet bonten's boss? his co-workers? will she finally die today? or if haruchiyo will stay true to his words? the only thing i can be sure of is that she's going crazy because of this man.

haruchiyo was just humming as they walked inside and rode the elevator. y/n was still clueless but she didn't want her fear to overcome her body.

when they reached the top floor, they were welcomed by a huge door with two dragon sculpture at both of its side. "uh this is where i leave. make yourself at home. I'm going to sleep. and don't you dare do something funny when I'm knocked out" haruchiyo said while waving his hands.

"the fuck do you mean? i prepared myself--" y/n didn't get to finish her sentence when haruchiyo pressed his fingers against y/n's lips and shushed her.

"stay quiet. you'll be sleeping beside me so I'll know if you attempt to do something, attorney." he warned with his fingers still pressed on y/n's lips.

haruchiyo snatched y/n's hand and pulled her to his room. when they got inside he grabbed one of his robe and gave it to y/n who's now beyond confused.

"here, go take a warm bath while i look for something for you to wear. oh! and you'll be living with me so i can watch you closely."

"what?! no way. working for you is already bullshit! what do you mean live with you?!!" y/n shouted on top of her lungs.

"shut your mouth, bitch. if you're gonna sleep on my bed, atleast make yourself clean. remember,  you have no choice but to do as i say" haruchiyo shouted back making a slashing motion on his neck.

y/n just glared at him before slamming the door.

"wow, she got guts" the rosy haired man said while scanning his cabinets for clothes.

"that mother fucker." y/n whispered to herself. still hesitating if she should get naked at a strangers house. she was tired too so she just decided to just go with the flow to avoid further conflicts. she was still scared ofcourse.

when she got out she saw haruchiyo laying on his bed with his shoes on looking at her while grinning making y/n's face turn sour.

"here you go sweetheart, you can wear this." haruchiyo said handing y/n a pair of pajamas that's obviously meant for men judging by its cut and style.

"uh. thanks."

"i'll just go and take a quick bath too, sweetheart. you don't have to wait for me or not if you know what u mean." haruchiyo said with tender on his tone making y/n shocked and blush a little. "eh? did i just make you blush? I'm kidding, you should rest. i stressed the shit out of you earlier" he teased while patting her head.

y/n was shocked that she even stayed in that position even though haruchiyo already went inside the bathroom.

"wow. what the fuck?" y/n said coming back to reality and turning around to start getting dressed.

when y/n layed on the bed it was so comfy that she had to fight herself from dozing off since she wanted to stay conscious if something happens. unfortunately, she failed.

haruchiyo didn't take too long yet y/n was already dead asleep. he didn't expect that y/n would actually sleep but looks like things can go unexpected. he laughed a bit on the sight of y/n almost having the bed and blanket for herself.

after getting dressed, haruchiyo made his way beside y/n and placed a pillow in between them, he didn't want the girl to be uncomfortable since they'll be spending a lot of time together.

he had a couple of rooms on his penthouse but he refuses to let the girl sleep on another room for some reason, who knows?

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