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y/n was about to get back to work when her phone suddenly started buzzing. her phone is usually muted so she had been ignoring his calls for the past few days so she really needs to answer it this time, not wanting him to worry even more.

"why weren't you picking up y/n! i was almost dead worrying about you. i can't even sew properly because of you."

oh right, when y/n last saw this person she was talking about how she would probably just kill herself if she doesn't find a solution to her problem. well she said that jokingly but deep down she was actually planning on doing  it later that night, it was unsuccessful though since everything didn't go as planned.

"god! can you chill. takashi, i'm perfectly fine." she said assuring the male from the other line.

"how am i supposed to stop worrying? your secretary said that you haven't went to work for 4 days straight!" the man on the phone lectured.

"calm down. i'm sorry, i won't do it again." y/n said asking for forgiveness. it's not good if the only person she have is mad at her, right?

a loud sigh came out before takashi spoke "i'll accept your apology if you have lunch with me this noon, alright?"

"no way! i have a foot tall of--"

"then i'm not gonna forgive you then since you're also planning on skipping lunch. how irresponsible of you." takashi teased.

"alright! man i hate you."

"oh really? see you later then bub. I love you t--"

y/n ended the call before the other could even finish his last sentence. she hated it when takashi would unconsciously flirt with her after making it clear to her that he only sees her as a younger sibling. she knows that it isn't his intention to lead her on and he probably has no idea how she takes those caring and sweet words from him as flirting. love does make people dumb.

time pass by slowly when you're doing something you don't like? y/n didn't choose this job to be honest, it was actually his father's choice. she didn't want to disobey since his father will be the one paying for it. but still, if she was given a chance to actually decide for herself she would've been a (chosen career).

her focus was soon destroyed when she heard the door creak. she glances at it to know who it is and she was greeted with a silver and black haired man wearing a very stylish outfit, what can she expect? this man is a fashion designer ofcourse he's fashionable! and ofcourse it's one of the many things that made her fall into this guy. i mean who wouldn't?

"yo, you ready yet?" he spoke yet y/n just glared at him and fixed the documents loudly making it obvious that she has a lot of work to do. "wow, that sure is a lot of paper.....that's what you get for ditching your job though, you irresponsible adult." takashi said flicking the lady's forehead lightly.

"i already told you, i was busy but you're so pushy!" y/n complained making the silver haired man chuckle.

takashi walked toward the couch then placed a paper bag on the table infront of the couch that were meant for clients. "yeah, i know that's why i just brought lunch here. come on, the food will get cold."

"eh? you didn't need to---"

"don't worry, you treated the three of us for lunch and dinner last time so think of this as me paying back. alright? besides, those two worked really hard making these" he said cutting y/n sentence off

'y/n can't help but smile, she was contented with this. as long as she's able to stay by takashi's side. she'll survive.' she thought to herself.

"wow, those two learned how to cook? alright, then." knowing that takashi is a stubborn man, she just went with it.

the both atarted eating their meals and started to talk about random things while enjoying each other's company. after they both finished eating y/n thought that maybe it was better this way since there'd be no risk with their current relationship. but who knows, life is full of surprises.

after her childhood friend left, it was time for her to face those paper works again. but instead of continuing, she ended up stressing over that rosy pink haired man again. maybe her instinct is trying to tell her something. y/n is actually good at her career making her gain connections even outside the country.

before she knew it, she was already dialing someone to know more about sanzu haruchiyo, thinking that her soul will be at peace if she get to know more about him through her good friend who's a great detective.

"hey, naoto." y/n greeted to the person on the other line.

naoto and y/n have known each other for more than 10 years now. she met him because of tachibana hinata, naoto's older sister who's also y/n's close friend. they've helped each other to achieve where they are now, working with each other on almost every case that y/n handles.

"oh. hey y/n! long time no see. may i help you?" the other answered.

"yes actually. i''m sorry to bother you but i actually called 'coz need you to help me with something." y/n explained.

"i see, go on. I'll be more than happy to help!" naoto gladly accepts.

"i met a guy on a club the other day named sanzu haruchiyo, he's obviously bad news. that mother fucker almost killed me." y/n irritatedly said, making a sour face.

"what? seriously? you should've called the cops immediately!" the other worriedly said.

"i wasn't in the right state of mind that time." she sighs. "i feel like i really need to know more about this person though. my mind is in shambles because of that encounter."

"we should follow your instincts then, y/n. that godly instinct of yours have helped me solve multiple cases. I'll work on it right now, I'll call you back later"

"thanks again naoto! are you planning on doing something tonight? I'll treat you dinner then we can talk about it." y/n said.

"I'd love that. you're the best, y/n. where though?" these two often have meals together, whether it's for work or not making their bond even stronger.

"the usual. let's just meat there, is that okay?." the (h/c) colored hair instructed.

"alright boss, see you later." naoto would usually call y/n 'boss' jokingly though y/n would get embarrassed about it. in her defense, she said that she isn't really his boss and they shouldn't be too formal anymore after working together for a long time.

y/n just laughed at his response before speaking again. "hm. see you then." she said before ending the call.

SIGNIFICANCE - sanzu haruchiyo x reader fanfic Where stories live. Discover now