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After they took off, Draco took Hermione to his apartment in Seattle.

"Would you like a drink, Mione?" Draco asked her as she nodded "Yes, please." As Draco went to get her a drink, Hermione's shocked at the expensive looking apartment.

"Wow." Hermione said as she was surprised when she looked at Draco's apartment, and then, she walked over to the piano where Draco came back with Hermione's drink of wateras he handed her a drink.

"Do you play?" She asked him before taking a sip of water.

"Yes." Draco said to her as Hermione chuckled to herself "Of course you do." Before noticing the piece of paper on the table.

"What's this?" She asked him.

"It’s a non-disclosure agreement. It means that you cannot discuss anything about us with anyone. I’m afraid my lawyer insists on it." Draco said in a serious tone.

"I’d never talk to anyone about us anyway." Hermione assured him before signing the agreement.

"Are you gonna make love to me now?" She asked him.

"Two things: First, I don’t make love. I fuck, hard." Draco said to her firmly.

"And the second thing?" She questioned.

"Come." He said holding out his hand for Hermione to take as he escorted her toward a room.

"It’s just around this door." Draco said showing her a door that was locked by him.

"What is?" Hermione questioned.

"My playroom." Draco said.

"Like your Xbox and stuff?" Hermione asked giving him a question look.

"It’s important that you know that you can leave at any time." He said firmly as Hermione shook her head and asked "Why? What’s in there?"

"I meant what I said. The helicopter is on standby to take you whenever you want to go." Draco countered as Hermione's patience was getting thinner and wanted to know what was inside the room as she was very curious about it, as she was going to demand him "Draco, just open the door. Please, I need to know what's inside."

Draco began to sigh before unlocking the door as they both stepped inside as Hermione was visibly shocked at what she saw.

"Oh, my God." Hermione said in a shocking tone as the room was filled with BDSM stuff like ropes, chains, whips and floggers.

Hermione on the other hand began to touch one of the floggers as Draco said "It’s called a flogger." As Hermione walked silently to touch another item.

"Say something, please." He pleaded as Hermione came to him and asked him "Do women do this to you or do you…?" As he answered her question "I do this to women. With women. Women who want me to."

"You’re a sadist?" Hermione questioned.

"I’m a dominant." He said to her as her eyes widen in shock before asking him and giving him a question look "What does that mean?" As Draco took a deep breath "It means I want you to willingly surrender yourself to me." He said to her.

"Why would I do that?" Hermione asked him.

"To please me." Draco simply answered.

"To please you? How?" Hermione asked again.

"I have rules, if you follow them, I’ll reward you. If you don’t, I’ll punish you." Draco warned her.

"You’d punish me, like you’d use this stuff on me?" Hermione asked him as she looked at the BDSM stuffs on the playroom before looking at him as Draco nodded "Yes."

"What would I get out of this?" Hermione asked again as Draco answered "Me."

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