Chapter 3- School

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We went into our class, all of my classmates were there, even Mr Berkshire (Year 6 Teacher)!
"Hello, have you gotten the burglars in your house, same. All of us have actually!" exclaimed Mr Berkshire, surprised.
We went to our seats and talked to our workmates.
"There is a new speaker in our class, so if the burglars come, we will be put on full lockdown." He said, continuing.
As soon as he said that, there was a loud CRASH as the gates got knocked down, it was the burglars.
"Mum,dad," I said "run to the staff room, it's down the hall, past the lift, through the locker room, turn left at the end, through a set of doors, turn right and open the door next to the reception table."
"Ok!"they said, terrified.
They found their way to the staff room and exclaimed that the burglars came in, all five of them, then the speaker came on.
"All classrooms on full lockdown immediately, close and lock doors, close blinds and hide, I repeat, all classrooms on full lockdown immediately!"
We immediately closed and locked the doors, closed the blinds, moved the tables and chairs and hid. Me and the rest of the class hid in the best spots possible, away from the doors and windows. I felt dizzy, so I laid down (which was the worst idea possible) then I fainted.
"GHYLL" Mr Berkshire said, worried.
It was no hope, the doors were locked, the windows were closed and the blinds were closed, calling for help would be a stupid idea since the burglars were already inside the building. Then I woke up, confused and scared.
"What happened?" I asked, sweating.
"You fainted!" One of my classmates said.
As we hid from them, we heard gunshots as well as screaming, people were dying. As soon as the screeching and the gunshots stopped, we heard footsteps coming our way, breaking into 6CH, they killed 5 students and the teacher, awful. The steps got closer, the heavy breathing of people became louder, my heart beat faster, it was it.
"Open the Fire Exit and run, we'll be behind you." Mr Berkshire said with a shaky voice.
We did what he said as he and the rest of the adults followed on, most of the classes were out here.

Burglars, crap!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora