Now it's clear

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Namjoon -- why did you called us here ?

Yeji -- I have very important news for you all .

Jin -- what ??

Yeji -- I ...

Jimin -- are you pregnant ??(shocked)

All -- whattt??? (Shocked)

Yeji -- are you crazy ? What nonsense is this ?

Jk -- exactly , i haven't got a chance to do anything to her (shyly).

Yeji -- jkkk ...(annoyed).

Namjoon -- just let her finish what she wants to say.

Man-wol -- Just ignore them , tell what you want to say .

Yeji -- soobin is Draven and I think jhope is also one of them.

All -- whatt?

Man-wol -- yeji what are you saying ? Soobin , jhope ?

Yeji -- yess you remember when you asked him about his injury , he was so scared about that .
I felt something weird , so I followed him for confirmation and you know what he has same cut as that hooded man .
And i saw jhope was hittng him in his cabin .
When i asked him about that he strangely became angry on me and even warned me to stay out from his matter .

Tae -- And he is the one left after yeji who is so closed to man-wol and us .

Namjoon -- But we don't know yet if he is really his really with them or not.
And if he is the really one then we have to find out their whereabouts .

Jin -- yeahh .

Jimin -- And for that we need soobin .

Yeji -- yess and i have a plan for that .

Then she told them her plan .

Namjoon -- wooaahh yeji (amazed).

Jk -- surely she is my girl .(finger heart).

Jimin -- Today we will find you .(smirking).

Next evening --

Soobin -- noona , why did you called me here ?

Man-wol -- I have something to tell you .

Soobin -- what ?

Man -wol -- You know what , they know who's draven is .

Soobin -- wh...who?(scared).

Man-wol -- You . (straight face).

Soobin -- wh..what are you saying (awkward laughing ).

Man-wol was looking at him with straight face .

Soobin suddenly started smirking at her .

Soobin -- so you know about me , fine yess i'm Draven .
I'm the son of the king of this wirld , one who wants to kill you but they always saved you .
But now noone will save you , you will die tonight .

Tae -- really ?

Soobin -- you ??

Tae -- yess me (sarcastic smile).

Jimin -- hello . (smiling ).

Soobin looked around , he was surrounded by them .

Soobin -- Huhh will never find my father . -- So sad ,but we already knew .

Everyone looked at her in confusion , she winked at them .
They understood what she is doing .

Soobin -- How did you ...?? -- I think you don't know , i'm the queen of our world .

Soobin -- What ?? (Shocked).

Jk -- Now what will you do little kid ? (Smirking).

Namjoon -- ohh yess we forget to tell you something .
We know everything about you and your father .

Soobin -- haahh don't try to fool m... .

Tae -- jhope . (smirking).

Smile disappeared from Draven's face .

Soobin -- did you know that ??

Jin -- We didn't . We were just guessing . And you confirmed it .

Soobin -- whatt?? (Angry).

Tae -- How dare you to even think of harming man-wol .
I'll kill you .
He was about to beat him but namjoon stopped him .

Namjoon -- go and tell your coward father to be prepared , we are coming .

Soobin ran from there.

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