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I was really sad as today we are going back to seoul . And ofcourse i didn't find him .
I was really hopeless , but i can't do anything about that . But i was more sad because I didn't get a chance to confess my feelings to taehyung as I don't know what he thinks about me .
But i'll really miss him .

Aunty -- this will protect you from negative energies. (She made me wear a necklace which is a kind of half moon shaped). Take care my child and she hugged me as a goodbye .

Namjoon -- Be careful and take care .

And he patted my head . i just nodded to him .

Jk -- i'll miss you so much .

Me too . (we shared a deep hug ).

Everyone was saying goodbye to us but i was looking for taehyung who wasn't there .

Jin -- are you looking for tae ??

Man-wol -- Hmm .

Jin --  He had some works so he left early.

Tae's pov --

I really love her , and I can't see her leaving me again . But i can't stop her , by which right I will stop her ? And that's what making me really angry on myself .

Man-wol's pov --

I reached to my room in seoul but my mind was still stucked on him .
I really wanted to tell him about my feelings .
But I guess "happiness" isn't in my destiny . I looked at my necklace and fall sleep .

" two kids were running here and there in a beautiful flowery field while holding each other's hand . Their laugh was filled all over , "catch me !!!" (Laughing ), a girl was running while a boy was chasing her . They were so happy " .

What was that dream?? Why I suddenly dreamed about that ?? And who are those kids ??

After one month ---

On phone -- Man-woliee ..yaah  !!

Man-wol -- Aahhh !! Whyyy??(whining)

O/p Yeji -- yahh are you sleeping ?? Gurll wake up , don't forget Today our CEO is throwing a dinner party because you got promoted to chief editor.

Man-wol -- Yess that's a "dinner party" not breakfast party . why are you waking me up right now?? Let me sleep .

Yeji -- fine , i'm coming to your appartement . Untill then sleep as much as you want . But when i reached there , I'm not gonna let you sleep .
we have so much to do for today's party . we have to do shopping , makeup and many more . Are you listening ?? Helloo...hello?? This gurlll!!

I don't know what she wants ?? Like it's already 6th time when i'm changing dress and still she doesn't said okay to any of this . I swear this is the last time i'm changing . If this time she didn't say yess , i'm going home back .

Yeji -- This is not prfect !!!!

I sighed .

Yeji -- This is beyond perfection . (thumbs up) .

Man-wol -- Really ??(happy)

Yeji -- yes. So we are buying this one.

But suddenly i saw taehyung , like he was smiling at me ,saying me "beautiful" . ofcourse it was an imagination (sad).

Aftr doing all things we went to the XXX restaurant .
At restaurant every one was drolling over us . I again saw tae seating there , smiling at me . (it's an imagination again).

??? You are looking very beautifull miss Man-wolie.

Man-wol -- Thank uh Jhopessi .

Jhope is our new CEO , and he is very sweet . We have really good relationship as an employee and a boss .
We had so much fun in the party , and now other's were going for second round in drinking . But I wasn't feeling to go so I was going back to my home. And then again i saw taehyung standing in front of me , but i ignored him . I was about to surpaas him but he held my hand ..

Tae -- did you ignored me just now??

Man-wol -- Ohhh?? You are real ???(i touched his faced and it wasn't my imegination) .ohhh!! You are really here
(i hugged him tightly and he also did the same).

Man- wol -- I missed you so much , why weren't you there on the day when I was returning back from your house ?? Do you know how sad i was ...

before i can say something ..he smashed his lips on mine . Like he was saying that he also missed me .
We were kissing so passionately , but pulled away as we ran out of breath , and i was going to say but again he smashed his lips on mine . And that was more passionate than before .

full moon and the shining pearl  || KimtaehyungHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin