Chapter 6 - Retaliation

Depuis le début

Lee grinned, exchanging a confident glance with Bob. They had done it. Then turning back to the others, 'But one thing we must do is stay right out of the way until then. We must keep right out of the way, know what I mean? We don't want them fuckin' our plans up by getting in first.'

'Well, that shouldn't be a problem with my party being on tonight,' said Dave. 'None of you will be leaving much before Monday, anyway!'

Lee got restless in the heat and opened his eyes, wondering where everyone else had got to. He glanced down the beach. There they were. They had dragged Dave unwillingly down to the sea and had thrown him into the water, and he was now frantically trying to swim away to avoid getting wrapped in a giant piece of seaweed, Jimmy was wielding above his head.
'Come here, chicken shit!' he yelled.

Debs laughed as she watched. 'We'll be getting barred from here too if they carry on like that!' she said, seeing Lee was sitting up now.
He grinned, taking her can of lemonade.
'You can finish that if you want to,' she told him, adjusting the sunglasses on her nose.
'Ta.' He knocked it back thirstily, even though it was flat and warm.
'You look like you've caught the sun already,' she observed, comparing his colour to hers.
Lee looked down at himself and half-smiled.

'I hope it's going to stay like this now,' she then added as she lay back down again. 'I love summer.'

Lee laid back down again, too, but this time on his front.

Closing his eyes, he slipped back into his own world, again thinking of Stacey.

How he had managed to stick to his word Thursday night was completely beyond him. She turned him on something rotten. He smiled to himself as he remembered how she had looked when she had come through to the bedroom in his old tee-shirt. He could imagine what kind of body was hiding under it but hadn't dared to explore it, not even for a second, or he would have ended up just having to go for it, and he hadn't wanted to do that for her sake. For some reason, he wanted the time to be right. There was something so beautifully naïve and innocent about her. So much so, it made him want to protect her and be gentle with her, rather than forcing himself upon her in the frantic sexual frenzy he knew was building. Then, as he lay there, he began to imagine how, when and where it would be when they finally got round to doing it and felt another painful erection rising in his shorts.

Fortunately, when Gayle, Claire and Lisa returned from a posing session down the beach in their new g-string swimming costumes, he was still lying on his front, or they would have undoubtedly thought his arousal was something to do with them!

'Yeowch!' exclaimed Claire, hopping onto her towel to get off the scorching sand. She fell down and examined the soles of her feet, stealing sneaky glances at Lee as she did so to see if he was watching her at all. 'This sand's bloody roasting!' she said, making a big do about it.

Gayle fell down on her towel, too, not to be out done, and stuck her legs in the air, going one further as always, to compete for attention in the most provocative of manners, while Lisa followed behind them, smiling smugly as she had had the sense to keep her sandals on.

Lee listened as they chattered away, for what seemed ages, about things he supposed girls usually talked about and wondered if they ever talked about anything other than males, clothes, males, looking better than other girls, and - males!
Lisa then let out a loud wolf whistle and giggled. 'Wow, look at the body on that!'
Lee opened his eyes to see who they were perving on now and found it was him.
Lisa nudged Gayle, laughing.
'You what?' he asked, challenging Lisa as she whispered behind her hand.
She looked at the others, hiding her smile and glanced down at Lee's legs. 'They're all red at the top,' she said, looking to where he had pulled his shorts up high to get the sun on them.

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