'Don't you think that's a little unfair?' Marco asks.

I really don't get his deal. 

He was never like this before, never spoke back and just did what he was told to do, but not anymore. 

'She is not like the other Steels, she wants nothing to do with this lifestyle.' He continues, making Nico sigh deeply. 

'She's a Steel, she can't be innocent.' He says, looking at Marco as if he's dumb. 

'Marco does have a point though,' Vincent says, looking up from his laptop, straight into my eyes, 'taking Brooke could mean war.' 

'They already started a war, I'm just here to finish it.' 

'We all are. Remember, you pulled us into this mess.' Vincent says, chuckling a bit. 

Even though this might lead to all our deaths, he's laughing about it. 

'I don't have anything else to do, so I could go with him? It would speed everything up.' Nico suggests and I shake my head. 'No, I need you here.' He's the only one who won't be afraid to throw North over his shoulder and drag her away from places, just like he did today as well, so he might come in handy. 

'Vincent, did you find anything about the Castro family?' I ask, turning back to Vincent, who's already typing away on his laptop again. 

It's as if he never stops. 

And I'm glad that he works so hard. Because without him, we would've been stuck at the same place forever. 

'The family existed of seven, Xavier Castro, Crystal Wood, Marie-Anne Castro, Felice Castro, Tyler Castro, which they adopted in 2012, Marcus Castro, and Victoria Castro. They were here for a family vacation.' He looks at me, a little spark of regret flashing through his eyes before he scrolls through his file a bit more. 

'Where were they originally from?' Marco asks curiously. 

'England.' What? 

How could someone from England get into my territory that easily? 

'How did he get to Moreau?' I wait for Vincent to answer and hear a car drive up the driveway. If it wasn't someone we know, my guys wouldn't have opened the gates. 'Apparently, Moreau was looking for well-paid jobs, he really needed that money to fix his house.' 

Desperate times call for desperate measures... 

Even defying me. Resulting in his death... 

'So he was going to betray you anyways.' Nico says, rolling his eyes before looking at me, 'It's a good thing you killed him then, right?' 

I nod and hear the front door open as I take a deep breath. Marco looks troubled, but I'll talk to him about this later. 

'So what do we do now?' Nico opens a new map on the table and we all step closer, looking at all the marked spots. 'We could-' 

'Boss, we have a little problem.' Killian steps forward and lowers his gaze. 'What is it?'

He gulps and turns around, making all the others in the room turn as well. 'We found her after you left.'

A little girl, no older than six, with clothes dripping from the rain, is standing in the frame of the door.

'What's her name?' I ask, watching her closely.

She's small, so fucking small, and innocent. Her hair is dark brown, almost black, like North's. Her eyes are big and golden brown, even in the dark.

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