Chapter 34 - Guidance

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Strange strides through the portal into an antique, decrepit looking room, it was basically pitch-black with thin streams of light shining through the thin cracks in the doors and window shutters. The room was filled with relaxing and earthly scents, making the room feel homely despite its cave-like feel.

“Please, I don’t know what to do. This is a first for me” Strange pleads.

“You have barely begun, how can you surrender so easily. When you regularly act without mercy and have always acted with nothing but determination and persistence” questions The Ancient One.

“It’s not as simple as me overcoming my tremor, leaving behind neurosurgery and coming to terms with magic being real and something I can learn. This is-this is complicated” Strange staggers and shouts.

“Only because you made it so, Strange” The Ancient One explains confidently. “This confusion you are facing, this, uncertainty is a result of your own making.” She strides back and forth with her hands behind her back.

“Ho-How could you possibly say that? We were both trained by you, if she can’t use her own training to help her and the Mystic Arts can’t help, then how could this be possibly my making” Strange becomes flustered.

“You care for her” The Ancient One proclaims.

“Well of course I care for her, I don’t go around doing this with anyone at a whim-“ Strange becomes more and more flustered, being very animated with his body language.

“Sexual attraction is biological Strange, it is fundamentally wired into our very being, to find another desirable, especially one that challenges you and even match your capabilities and understands you. When we are faced with one quite like ourselves or in some cases, the opposite, it is a natural instinct to desire them. So yes, you can in fact go around doing that with anyone at a whim, if they feel the same in return, of course” The Ancient One explains exquisitely with Strange listening closely.

The Ancient One turns her back to Strange, admiring some décor, before turning back to him, edging closer but with caution “She is more, she’s deeper. Real.”

Strange looks up at The Ancient One, with a slightly dazed and confused look on his face. Furrowing his brows slightly at her, as she watches him closely right back.

He starts fidgeting with his gloves, shaking his head subtly, more aggravated he runs his face down his face as he slowly descends on a nearby rickety stool.

“This turmoil you are experiencing isn’t because you don’t know what to do. You just want to do it quicker. For her. You are suffering because she is suffering, Strange.” She slowly approaches him, as he is staring into the abyss, completely lost in his own head trying to confirm his own feelings.

She gently places a hand on his shoulder “But do remember, we never lose our demons, we only learn to live with them, so instead of trying to get her to forget the trauma of New York, the pain of being alone and the guilt she feels putting people in danger, encourage her to live with it. You can still feel pain, guilt and anger and still have joy, happiness, love even. You should know that better than most”.

Strange blinks a couple of times, bringing himself back to reality and lowers his head to blink away the tears, before looking up at The Ancient One and nodding slightly. Raising to his feet, he already feels more confident, more capable and determined.

He had a plan.

“As always it’s a pleasure Sorcerer Supreme. The guidance is appreciated.” Strange stated with gratitude. He generates a portal and before stepping through it, he turns back to The Ancient One, mimicking the way he left you in your training extension.

“Allow yourself to fall and trust that you will never hit the ground.” The Ancient One speaks out, plainly and confidently, getting another confused look from Strange, he turns to her.

“Meaning what exactly?” He questions.

“You will understand, when it is necessary. Not before. You know how this goes, did I teach you nothing?” The Ancient One states.

Strange gives her a soft smile, which she returns… albeit subtly.

Strange steps through the portal and is immediately met with the person he was looking for. “Well it’s about ti- erm why are you alone? Where is she?”

“She is not ready to come back yet, I am here to ask for more information and details about her. I can’t continue my plan without them” Strange explains cooly, understanding his audience.

“How much do you need to know?”

“Everything” Strange definitively states “We’ll require more people, I need every aspect of her life covered and quickly, before she leaves the Sanctum”.

“Give me 5 minutes”

-5 minutes later-

“Why exactly are we needed?”


“What are we waiting for?” “You got it!” “Anything” “Let’s get to work”.

Strange nodded proudly as he stood in front of Tony, Pietro, Bucky and Bruce, all ready to help him execute his plan.

His mind still running through all the possibilities the Ancient One could have possibly meant with her last riddle.

He shook it off and concentrated solely at the task at hand, the one thing he wanted more than anything right now.

“Let’s help Y/N” he exclaims, leading them to a conference room.

IrrationalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon