Chapter 33 - First For Everything

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You slap him on the arm, getting absolutely furious at him. “Are you fucking kidding me Strange, why the hell would you put me through all that pain, fear and guilt AGAIN for nothing?” you roar at him.

Strange stood before you arms crossed his chest, standing tall with no facial expressions letting you get all of your anger out.

You run your hands through your hair “I thought I ruined those people’s lives for nothing, for-for my own guilt. My own pain and my own fear o-o-of being alone again” tears pricking your eyes again “you watched me crumble, you let me feel that pain why?” you scream at him in complete pain.

He stays silent and just looking at you, making your blood boil. Your eyes glow green, making any dirt, earth or anything of mother nature come flying at Strange and he effortlessly deflects it.

You stop, going wide-eyed before narrowing your eyes at him “Oh you smug fucking bastard, see if this so fucking easy for you”

You close your eyes, and levitate into air. Strang gulps, he knows he’s about to get an re-enactment of the first time you two ever met, but then he smirks.

He was proud nevertheless.

You out-stretch your arms and you open your eyes with a devilish grin, you start firing controlled debris from buildings at him, he creates a barrier which turns them to ash before they impact him.

You continue firing them at him, whilst he’s distracted with that, you send a tornado at the back of him.

Catching his cape at the right angle, it sears Strange into the air, you control another gust of air sending him crashing back into a building, as he tries to fly off, you direct a tsunami wave at him, sending him coursing through the building as the force of the water collapses the walls.

On the other side of the building, he is propped up on one elbow choking on the water that was filling his lungs. You lower yourself to the ground, eyes still dancing ready for a counterattack.

You crouch in front of him, a few strides back to give yourself space. “I told you it never ends well for those who underestimate me, Strange” he looks up at you and he has genuine resentment in his eyes, which shocks you. But you were still furious at what he put you through.

“Oh, poor puppy never been bested before?” you mock him.

He shakes his head and before you can realise what’s happening, he has created a lasso and has thrown you back against a corresponding building behind him.

You groan from the impact, he comes gliding up to you and grips you by the throat, harshly enough he can lift you off the ground slightly but not too hard that you can’t breathe.

You found a little hot for the circumstances, but you couldn’t let him know that.

“No one bests me, no one” he growls out, through gritted teeth.

You see his eyes lower to your lips and back up to your eyes. You grin, he enjoyed this as much as you did, but you were still angry at his earlier method.

A blink and a flash of grey in your eyes and his cape was caught again. Sending him flying into the ground with quite the impact.

Your eyes flash green and you use debris to keep him trapped to the floor with his arms. He is trying to squirm his way free, but you encased his hands with more debris so he couldn’t magic his way out of this one. You straddle over him.

“You were saying?” You say cockily.

He smirks and he has been zapped from underneath you, you look around and he was levitating above you. You scoff and roll your eyes.

“Of course, that damn cape is loyal as hell. Forgot about that thing” you scowl at him.

Your eyes are dancing again and are ready for whatever he has to throw at you. You watch him carefully as he lowers himself to the ground and he starts striding towards you, you stay rooted to your spot, eyes still dancing ready anything.

But what you weren’t ready for, was what actually happened.

Strange was heading towards you with purpose and as he is in front of you, he pulls you into him by your waist and crashes into you, with pure lust and desperation.

You immediately react, you were already hot for him, and you wrap your arms around his neck and bend your arms over the back of his head running your hands through his hair.

Groans and moans of pleasure escaping both of your lips as you are lifted in the air and instantly wrap your legs around his waist.

He walks you to a wall behind and presses you up against it, parting your lips and desperately kissing your neck, down your chest.

He pushes his weight against you as he looks down at you, he rips your t-shirt open, he pulls your beasts free of your bra and takes each one in turn in his mouth in breathless moans as you push your head back against the wall, still running your hands through his hair.

“Ste-Stephen, please” you plead, you needed more.

He tugs on your erect nipple in between his teeth, as he pulls away and looks up at you. Smirking. “Beg again, I want you to hear you do it again” he growls out against your ear, as he takes your earlobe between his teeth tucking and sucking on it before he trailed kisses down your neck and back to your chest.

“Stephen, please” you plead once more.

Closing your eyes and licking your lips as you could feel your core becoming hotter and you were more and more desperate for him. Fully.

You feel him kiss your chest and then plants a desperate kiss on your lips, as he puts your bra back up and cups your face with both hands, pinning you against the wall with his own weight and he abruptly pulls you away from the wall and you lower your legs from his waist.

“Not in here and definitely no like this” he looks between you, he cups your face with his hand “You deserve better than that” you bury your head into his hand and plant a kiss on it.

Before looking at him and furrowing your brows and pushing him slightly and folding your arms, he looks at you genuinely confused. “You’re still an ass for putting me through that, no matter how hot and sexy you are Strange”.

“What did you just call me?” He takes a step towards you.

“I called you..” you glow your eyes blue and soak him with a fire hydrant, also sending smashing into another wall. “Strange”.

You smirk at him. “Now get me out of here, unless you have any other bright ideas Master of the Mystic Arts”.

He admits defeats, stands and generates a portal back to the sanctum, you look back at him “Now is this the actual sanctum or another part of the mirror dimension, douchebag?” you say raising an eyebrow.

He throws his hands in the air and then presses one to the left side of his chest “scouts honour, it’s the sanctum” you step through and take a deep breathe, tears pricking your eyes again.

“Hey, hey, Y/N.” you hear Strange’s voice and he comes up behind you, pushing hair from the side of your face to your back and you turn and smile at him weakly, before your legs give in on you.

“Woah, woah, woah, I got you, I got you” Strange says panicked, but then swooping you in the bridal carry and taking you to your room and laying on your bed.

“Get some rest sweetheart, it’s been a taxing day for you.” Strange says comfortingly as he strokes your face.

You smile weakly, but sleep takes over you.

Strange leaves your room and creates a portal stepping through, he says in a panic, between breathes “I need your help”.

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