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Nia wanted nothing more than to kill Edward and Bella

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Nia wanted nothing more than to kill Edward and Bella. The two had been doing everything they can to convince her to come to the mountain top with them and they didn't care what the consequences were, no matter how many times she disagreed. They hands tried to ambush her at her dad's house but even he was getting pissed at the audacity they had.

"Just leave me alone. I've told you both, nothing you say is going to make me change my mind. I'm not going to that mountain top. I don't trust either of you and I'll be damned if I leave my life in the hands of two people that could care less about my life." Nia spoke firmly as she finished making dinner for her and her father. Her mother had the late shift so she would be joining them soon.

Bella rolled her eyes, "We just want to make sure you're safe and the best way for that is if you stay with me and Edward at the top of the mountain." She just couldn't understand why Nia didn't trust her or the Cullen's, all she wanted was to not die because of Victoria.

"Please, after everything you've both done to me and the people I care about, you really think I trust either of you with my life? I want absolutely nothing to do with either of you so please, leave me alone. I don't want to have to talk to the Pack about you both being a problem" Nia threatened.

Edward scoffed, "They won't find out about this."

"They will if you keep trying to force her to do something she doesn't want to." Charlie spoke as he walked into the kitchen. Billy had been keeping him up to date with everything that had been going on with the Cullen's and the Pack. When he had gotten word on what Bella and Edward were doing, he had been furious. He trusted the Pack to look after him, Marianna and Nia and as much as he wanted Bella with them all, he didn't know what to say to change her mind but she had chosen the Cullen's.

Bella scoffed, "We're just trying to keep her safe." She had always hated how close he and Nia were but she also knew the only person to blame for that was herself. She never put in any effort to get to know Charlie better.

"No you're not. All you care about is yourself. After everything Nia has done for you, this is how you pay her back? By using her as bait for the person you pissed off? You did this, you both did so you have no right to blame anyone else. You wanted to be with the Cullen's? Well, now they can sort out your mess." Charlie spoke firmly as he grabbed the plates and utensils for the table to help his daughter.

"You don't mean that?" Bella cried.

Charlie looked her dead in the eye, "I meant every word."

"I'm your daughter, you're supposed to protect me. What have I don't for you to treat me like this? You're supposed to always have my back. Why are you being like this? I have done nothing?" Neither Charlie nor Nia could understand the audacity, how could she not know what she had done?

Charlie looked at her with genuine confusion, "Nothing? How can you think you've done nothing? We have been taking care of you for months when the Cullen's left you, through your depressive episode, your suicidal tendencies and isolation from everyone else. We have done more for you than the Cullen's have ever done for you. You are my daughter, therefore I will always love you but I do not condone your choice. You have done nothing but put this family in danger and that I will not stand by."

"But I didn't do anything wrong."

"The fact that you can't see how wrong you are, just makes you delusional."

"How dare she? After everything you've done for her, she's still willing to put your life on the line

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"How dare she? After everything you've done for her, she's still willing to put your life on the line. She doesn't care about you or anyone else that could get hurt." Embry raged. He hated the way Bella treated his imprint. Nia was one of the kindest and bravest people he had ever met, so knowing that Bella was taking advantage of her made him so mad.

Nia placed a hand on his cheek, hoping to calm him down, "You need to calm down, love. I'm fine, I have you and the Pack to protect me. Nothing she and her boyfriend do can change the fact that I'm protected. I will be fine, just like my mum and dad are. Dad was so mad at her today for trying to get me to come to the mountain top with Edward. I mean, how dare she think we'd do what she wanted after everything she had put us all through?"

"I have no idea. She's selfish and doesn't care who she's hurting. I'm just glad you and your parents are safe." Embry spoke as she pressed a kiss to her hand.

Nia nodded, "Me too. I'm just glad they've agreed to stay together until this is all over. I don't care what Bella wants. I'm safe and I have you and the Pack to thank for that. I will be fine. I love you."

"I love you too. I'd never let anything happen to you."

"I'm holding you to that."

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