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There aint a thing that you can do.

Kellins pov
For some reason I couldn't breath, there was something covering my mouth and nose and it was so dark I couldn't see my hand as I waved it out in front of me. I swallowed hard... where the hell am I? My hands finally found there way to my mouth. Some kind of cheese cloth, or mesh fabric. I wondered why as I began
To tug it off of my face. If they wanted to gag me why would they leave my hands free? Why put material I can speak through around my face? It wasn't until I got my face free of the material did I notice how cold my body was. That's when I realized I was completely naked.

I lean back going from on my knees to sitting on my bottom. There was a hot stinging pain as my bare ass connected with he cold hard floor. I gasped in pain, jumping a bit landing back on my knees. The chains wrapped around my torso rattled when I did that.
Seconds later I could hear a parade of foot steps bound down a few sets of stairs until I realized they had stopped right in front of me. A bright light blinded me as it was flipped on.
My eyes focused in what was now a very bright basement. I was chained to a pole held there by my torso. There was four guys standing in front of me. I swallowed hard nervousness coursed through me. I had never been kidnapped before. There was a tall one , he was covered in tattoos. His hair was shave on the sides and snap back hat covered his head. Another was shorter than the other guy he had tan skin and tattoos as well. He had a Star Wars shirt on and his ears were stretched. He also had a piercing on his cheek that I hadn't noticed before the first time I gave them all a once over. Another had on a soccer shirt he had tattoos swell but he was paler and quirky looking. His hair was curly and short. The last one he had no tattoos, his face was smooth and clear . He had a nose ring in. He was tan with brown shoulder length hair. And if he wasn't my captor might I say he'd be exactly my type. The silence between us also began eating away at me. I had so many questions? Whats going to happen to me? Are they going to hurt me? Are they going to kill me? Take advantage of me sexually? All the possibility's raced around my head before I opened my mouth to ask what I though was a very simple question. "Why am I here?"

"Don't worry about it." The tall one covered in tattoos said as he stepped towards me. I shrunk back against the pole I was chained to. "Gimme your hands." He demanded. I fear I did what he told me to. I held both my hands out towards him. He pulled out a pair of silver hand cuffs. He snapped them on my wrist a little too tight and then he turned to the one with no tattoos.

"Alright he's secure take the chains off of him vic." The other guy Vic I assume comes up to me and leans in to take the chains off from around my torso. His hands were cold and he smelled like cologne and peppermint. I felt my own pale cheeks flush red as he was so close to me I could feel his breath fan out against my neck. It sent shivers down my spine. The chains soon enough hit the floor and Vic stepped back away from me. "Get the clothes Tony." Vic said to the one with the face piercing. Tony nodded and grabbed a pile of folded clothes that looked unfamiliar to me. The quirky curly haired one took the clothes from him and walked towards me and began dressing me. I complied completely hoping that it would avoid any trouble. They hadn't hurt me yet. At least not to my knowledge and I don't want to give them any reasons to. As I got dressed I wondered how long I had been out. Mostly though I wondered if Justin was even looking for me. He probably wasn't. He usually didn't care about me for days at a time until one day he's horny enough to acknowledge my existence. I stand there awkwardly in the new clothes provided for me. A loose fitting black shirt and some khaki joggers, and black socks. Socks I was grateful for. The ground was so cold, it was as if I was walking on a sheet of ice. My wrist started to hurt from how tight the handcuffs were.

Vic grabbed me by the handcuffs and lead me up some stairs. I followed behind him closely, whining a bit when he tugged on the cuffs too rough a time or two. There is definitely going to be a mark there when these come off. I'm taken to a dinning room area. Theres a table and five chairs. The other boys had made their way to the table and the tallest one had already begun eating. Vic smacked him in the back of his head. "Mike we have a guest, where are your manners?"

"Sorry." Mike mumbled putting his fork down. I was sat in front of a plate that had chicken and mashed potatoes on it. Vic cleared his throat before speaking. "I need you guys to welcome our newest addition to our family. Kellin this is, Mike, Tony, and Jaime. I'm Vic. Please eat your food you haven't eaten in three days." Vic concluded before digging into his own plate. I furrowed my eyebrows in thought. How the hell did he know my name? I had never seen any of theses guys a day in my life. That was weird to me. And also, what did he mean by newest addition to his family?

I was torn from my thoughts by jaime nudging my arm to get my attention. I looked over at him. "Eat." He said looking me in my eyes, before going back to his own food. I looked down at the food before me. My mouth watered and my stomach growled. I could not deny that I was starving. With my handcuffed hands I struggled to get the first bite of food. It was so good, I nearly finished the plate before it was taken away from me.

Vic wiped my face off with a napkin before grabbing me by the handcuffs and pulling me along once again. This time we went through a dark hallway that lead to some stairs. It was quite going up them. Not much was heard besides the sound of our feet tracking up each step and the shallow breaths we took to compensate the movement.

When we get to the top we go past 3 rooms And stop at the fourth one. Vic drew a long skeleton key from his pocket and used it to open the door. In the room there was a large bed covered in black sheets and a black blanket. The pillows wore black cases aswell. This stood out starkly from the bright white walls. There was also a desk opposite of the bed on the other side of the room, and between that was a small sofa, and across from that sat a television. The tv displayed the roku home page.

"This is our room, where we will sleep and get alone time from the others." He said pulling me further in the room before wrapping long chains around my torso again like it had been in the basement. Ours? Like mine and his? Why would he want to share a room with his victim? Peculiar.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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