Zhou Cheng open the car's door and come out from the car. He go to Xiao Zhan's side and open the door. Then start taking up Xiao Zhan slowly. But while doing it. Xiao Zhan wake up. He open his eyes and look at Zhou Cheng.





Including the driver all of them become silent. Lu Jian Min, Zhou Cheng and that driver start looking at Xiao Zhan without blinking their eyes. Because they are waiting for Xiao Zhan's blast of whine.

"Is this morning already? Let's go to school then.." Xiao Zhan said excitedly.

*Sigh*... "You just come home from school, you dumb monkey.. You were sleeping till now..." Zhou Cheng said irritatedly.

"Then... Then.. I should go back to sleep fast.. I have to attend school tomorrow.." Xiao Zhan said immediately.

"Move you same face goat.." Xiao Zhan said push Zhou Cheng away gently.

Zhou Cheng always make an irritated face expression. That's why Xiao Zhan called him same face goat. Xiao Zhan immediately come out from the car. Zhou Cheng become so angry. He start walking towards Xiao Zhan.

"You.. What did you called me? How dare you?" Zhou Cheng shout.

"I have died everyday waiting for you.. Darling don't be afraid I will love you for thousands years.." Xiao Zhan start singing and dancing.

Zhou Cheng is still shouting behind him. Lu Jian Min and the driver still looking at them with their tired eyes. But suddenly that driver realise something.

"S-sir.. Sir... Young master... Did.. Young master said he wants to go school? Is.. Is my young master is sick? What.. What happens to my adorable.. Young.. Young master?" Somehow the 20 years old Cao Jun Xiang driver shakingly asked while pointing towards Xiao Zhan.

(Cao Jun Xiang)

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(Cao Jun Xiang)

Though Cao Jun Xiang was pointing towards Xiao Zhan. But Xiao Zhan and Zhou Cheng already gone inside mansion.

"Ahh(Sigh while massaging his forehead).. He is not sick.. It just he get new friend in school.." Lu Jian Min answer.

"Ohh.." Cao Jun Xiang said and release a relief breath.

Thank God his young master isn't sick. Nor anything happens to him. Lu Jian Min is about to come out from the car. Suddenly he realised something. Cao Jun Xiang also realised something.

"Is it that girl?" Cao Jun Xiang asked in shocked voice.

"No its not that girl." Lu Jian Min answer immediately.

Cao Jun Xiang and Lu Jian Min both said this together same time. They are talking about Zhao Lusi. Most of them time Zhao Lusi and Xiao Zhan come out from school while grabbing each other hair. Even sometimes while going inside school if they found each other on the way. They start fighting. Those all things are witness by Cao Jun Xiang too.

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