Start from the beginning

He attempts to break me with his stare, but he fails. He sighs as I smirk, "Fine, let's go." Grabbing his long black coat from the peg, he turns to me as I grin happily, placing my hand in his outstretched palm. His fingers tighten around mine as he watches me for a moment and I can see the worry in his eyes. "I'll be fine," I say softly and he nods, a small comforting smile on his face.

He turns to me, "Are you sure you can do this?"

"Yes. But the quicker we leave, the less sick I'll feel," I say, growing annoyed.

"All right," he smirks at my hormonal response, closes his eyes and within seconds, I feel us twisting and turning, my hand still in his. When we get there, Lucius catches me quickly before I fall, holding me up steadily. "Careful," he says but I'm too distracted by the scenery around us to hear. I couldn't believe I was in this town - where Harry was born, where voldermort murdered those muggles and then poor James and Lily right after.

I hold onto Lucius's arms as I steady myself, looking around at the small rows of houses behind us. We had apparated to the center of town, meaning Harry's house couldn't be far from here. I remembered all I had been told from Dumbledore's stories, and without thinking, I soon find myself moving forward, like an invisible force is pulling me along.

Lucius looks around before yelling, "Kelly!" He rushes after me, grabbing my arm. "Where are you going?"

"The house... I feel it." I ignore his frown. "It's close, around the corner I think." He shakes his head.

"No Kelly, we came here for- "

"Oh, come on." I cut him off, losing my patience as I grab his arm and walk on to find the house. He's shocked for a second at my actions, before smirking a little and shaking his head. "This girl," he mutters under his breath but I don't react as I find myself staring at the small house before me, the gate at the front creaking loudly as the wind pushes it aside.

Lucius stares too, and pretty soon the both of us are silently gazing at the house, a million thoughts running through my mind. After a few minutes, I break the silence."Do we go in?"

"We can't go in, pet. There'll be a new family living there now."

Just as he says it, we see a woman appear in the window. Her long brown hair falls loosely on her shoulders as she plays with her baby in her arms, putting it down in the cot before kissing it goodnight.

I feel tears spring to my eyes at the sight, realising how Lily must have done the same with Harry. Lucius holds my shoulders as he stands behind me, whispering in my ear, "That will be you soon." I smile at the thought, my spirits instantly lifting.

"We should find Bathilda," I tell him, turning to go back. He nods.

"Where's her house?"

"I don't know, Harry didn't tell me."

We reach the center, looking around before I spot a large gate on the side, leading out into a field with gravestones. I immediately go straight to it, Lucius following me without question. He opens the heavy gate for me and soon we're walking through the rows of graves, an uneasy feeling almost suffocating me.

I hated cemeteries. Especially going to them at night, and it was already starting to get dark. It was cold as well, which I found odd considering we were halfway through spring.

Pureblood (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now