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I grab my jacket from the peg, putting my arms through and smoothing out the front with my fingers. I button it from the bottom, working my way up and leaving the first few undone. As I look down, I smile, gently caressing my belly with my palm, feeling comfort.

I still couldn't believe there was a baby in there.

I'm sure I was about 3 months gone now, so no bump had appeared yet. But even still, the thought made me grin like an excited child.

Lucius was excited too. And this made me even happier.

He believed this baby was our gift- our little miracle that only we shared and no one could take that from us. He was adamant that our child would also be a girl. A little girl, who no matter what, would always be the center of our lives.

A little girl who we would always protect.

I don't look up, but I can feel as Lucius emerges from the next room, observing me from behind. I can almost sense his anxiety reaching out to me, trying to convince me to change my mind.

"Still overreacting, are you?"

There's a pause before he answers.

"Not so much overreacting. More... concerned, for the safety of my child and her mother."

I turn around then, taking in his appearance with a slight smirk on my face. He's wearing a silk black shirt, the top buttons loose to reveal his toned chest. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, showing his dark mark but I merely glance and look away for no more than a second.

When he had first arrived at the house, he had used the same concealing spell he used at the manor, just to make me feel more comfortable. But later on I realised it didn't change anything, and so when he forgot the spell one day, I didn't say anything about it. And neither did he.

I wanted him to know I loved him the way he was.

He leans on the door frame, a worried look on his face as he studies me. I sigh before going over to him, looping my arms around his neck. "You worry too much." I smile as his head rests on mine.

"I'm sorry darling, but now that you're pregnant..." Instantly, his mood lifts. He barely manages to hide his grin every time he mentions the baby, and it makes me wonder how I ever feared his reaction. "I'm not taking any chances. And neither should you."

I breathe out quietly. "It's not dangerous, Lucius. All I'm doing is visiting the woman for an hour or two." He still doesn't look convinced. "Besides, you'll be there with me."

Lucius had agreed a week ago to meet Bathilda Bagshot with me. This was after I had received a call from Harry, telling me all about his reunion with his two best friends and the research they had carried on in his absence. He told me of the close friendship between Bathilda and Dumbledore and how he thought she may have answers about him, and hopefully, knowledge of any more horcruxes.

But it was a dangerous time for Harry to go investigating now, since everyone was preparing for a battle. And being spotted at a time like this... wouldn't be good.

So naturally, I had agreed to go. It took a lot of persuasion to convince Harry. Lucius was a whole different matter. He still hadn't fully agreed.

Pureblood (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now