The Reunion♨️

Start from the beginning

Phoebe- come on open the damn door

Chandler- I'll get it because she might turn into Hulk and smash the door

Opens door

Phoebe- finally what the hell took you girls so long

Chandler- hi phoebe

Phoebe- yeah whatever (she walks in)

Mike- hey Chandler (gives him a handshake and has a car seat in his hand)

Chandler- hey and looks into the car seat and looks confused)- who the hell is this?

Mike- this is little baby Dylan..yeah we hadn't seen you guys in so long that Phoebe got pregnant and had a baby like 2 months ago..

Chandler- wow well congratulations

While he is talking Rachel, Monica, Ross, Emma, Erica, and Jack are saying hi to Phoebe

Lily- hi uncle Chandler

Chandler- hi Lily

Charlie- hey Uncle Chandler

Chandler- hey little man

Closes the door..

Rachel- oh he is so adorable!! Why didn't you tell us you were pregnant or even tell us to go to the delivery room

Phoebe- well I didn't tell you because we hadn't talked for so long and I guess I don't know why I didn't ask for you guys to come to the hospital because I could've used your guys help

Ross- wow he is so old is he?

Mike- he is 2 months and 3 days

Monica- wow he is

Phoebe- I know

Lily- and..and..I help mommy change the diapers

Rachel- really honey what do you do? (Picks her up and carries her on her side)

Lily- I give them to Charlie to throw them away!! (With the most adorable smile)

Rachel- wow that is a big job (everyone laughs and Rachel laughs and smiles and gives her a kiss)

Lily- I know it takes a lot of work..look I got muscle (lifts her arm to show them her muscles)

Ross- oh yes you are very strong (sarcastically adorable)

Lily- don't make me go over there

Chandler- hey you better listen to her

Monica- yes or she might- kick your ass

Mike- so who wants to hold him?

Rachel and Monica in sync- ME!!!

Monica starts to get him but Rachel pushes her and grabs him

Rachel- oh he is so precious

Charlie- yeah but he doesn't let me sleep

Rachel- oh is that so

Charlie- yeah he always cries

Ross- well now your a big brother so you have to help your mommy and daddy around the house and to take credit of Lily

Lily- no he don't need to take care of me I will take care of him

Monica- yes you are a big brother Charlie

Knock on the door

Ross- I'll get it

Joey- come on I'm hungry

Ross- alright alright wait a minute

Opens the door

Joey- oh finally

Ross- Joey my man

Joey- Ross my..friend

Ross- ok

Joey- so there's food

Ross- ye-

He walks in and greets everyone

Joey- hi Erica (gives her a hug)

Erica- uncle Joey, you look so handsome

Joey-hi Emma (gives her a hug)


Joey-hello Lily (givers her a hug)

Lily- big guy..

Joey- big guy (gives Charlie a hug and a handshake)

Charlie- sup (trying to act tough because Joey called him if guy)

Joey-little man (gives Jack a hug and handshake)

Jack- hi uncle Joey but I am big look..(goes on his tip toes)- see..

Joey- hi Pheebs (gives her a kiss and a kiss on the cheek)

Phoebe- hi honey (hugs him back)

Joey- Chandler buddy (gives him a hug and handshake)

Chandler- hey Joe!! (Gives him a hug)

Joey- mon, hi (kisses her cheek)

Monica- hi Joey (kisses him on the cheek)

Joey- mike sup (gives him a handshake)

Mike- hey

Joey- RACH!! (Gives her a hug and twists with her and kisses her cheek and she kisses back)-so..How You Doin'

Ross- hey Joe, we have a child!

Joey- I KNOW!!!

Rachel- flattered

Joey- well you sho- who is this..(seeing Dylan in Rachel's hands)..Rachel you had another baby..WAY TO GO ROSS, nice to know it's still working..

Rachel- no this isn't my baby

Ross- yeah, no it's not our baby..and yes it still works..right honey

Rachel- oh it works very well (looks at Joey then Ross for a long time and she is very serious)

Joey- well then who's baby is it

Rachel- well phoe-

Phoebe- MINE!!

Joey- oh yeah I forgot you had a baby Pheebs..hey Dylan

Monica- wait what Jeoy knew before us

Phoebe- well he was at my house having dinner and I went into labor

Mike- yeah he invited himself over

Ross- ok so can we eat now..


Monica- yes

Chandler- yep

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