The Runaways Part 2

Start from the beginning

“Hey! I’m talking to you! Answer me!” he screamed.

“What” I said.

“You know your mom left; after she got arrested and bailed she went to New York to stay with an old friend and left me. She said she was sick of this shit and left.”

“Cool.” I said and turn my head the other way. He pushed me against the wall and slapped me.

“I remember what you did. You knocked me unconscious that night. Maybe we should pick up where we left off.” He said getting closer to me.

I tried pushing him off.

“No!” I said and started screaming.  

“Okay! We will do this the hard way!” he said and I heard a click. I realized I was handcuff. Then he ripped duck tape off and covered my mouth. He pulled out a old looking washrag and covered my mouth, I started getting dizzy and blacked out.


I woke up and realized I was back in my hotel room, thinking it was all a dream until I tried to move. My hands were handcuff behind me, and then I saw him.

“Well, look who finally is awake.”

He came over and touched my shoulder. Then I realized I was naked. I tried to move or to get up but it felt like was weak all over, paralyzed.

“I Promise it wont hurt… Much” He told me with a smirk on his face.

I tried crossing my legs, I started crying, but he seemed to like that. He got naked and jumped on me, Started kissing my neck and touching me. I can feel him getting aroused on my thigh and that scared me just has much.  He grabbed my breast and the pain was unbearable. I tried to scream but it came out as a muffed sound. He pushed himself inside me and I felt pain all over. This was torture. He pushed harder and harder until he was done, but he still wasn’t satisfied.  He prompts me up to my knees and pulled out a gun. He ripped the tape off my mouth.

“If you bite me I swear I will kill you before I fall. Now open your mouth.”

 I did what I was told and he shoved himself in my mouth.

“Suck.” I heard. And I did what I was told.

I felt disgusted with myself, I didn’t want this. I closed my eyes and picture I was on a beach.

After a few minutes he finished and I spit it out on the floor.

He turned me over and pushed me to the floor. He took out a whip and whipped my back as he did me again. He told me not to scream. I held it all in. I finally slipped into unconscious.

The last thing I heard was

“Tell anyone and ill kill your mother.”


I woke up that morning un-handcuff and naked on the floor. I got myself to my knees and looked around, no David. I stand up and head for the shower. I need to wash away him. I got in and saw bruises all around me. Cut on my cheek blood covering my legs. I got in the shower and cried, and cried. I let this happen to myself. I need to leave. Go Away, Now. I got out of the shower and packed my stuff. I put make up on to hide bruises on my face and threw on jeans and a hoodie, with a scarf.   I grabbed the money I have collected over the weeks and what I have left and ran.  I kept walking and walking until I came across a big for sale sign. It was a mustang 1967. I knew cars. It was in prefect condition. It was placed in a driveway. I ran up to the door and started to pound on it until some old guy answered.

“Hello my dear, what can I do for you?” he asked.

“Hi, I was wondering about the mustang? I asked.

“Why don’t you come in and we will talk about it?” he asked.

“I would love too.” I said.

I walked into the tiny house. It was cute. I notice a whole bunch of old couples together, it was cute. I wish I could have that, Someone to love me.

“That is my wife.” I turned around to see the old man.

            “She is pretty.”

“She was Beautiful. She died last year.” He told me. He put his head down. I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder.

“I am sorry for your loss.”

            “Thank you. Lets talk about this car now.” He motion me to sit on the couch, I did as I was told.

“Well, I kind of don’t got a lot of money. I mean I can give you about 1200.

            “Well, I got another offer and it was more what you’re offering. I mean it is in perfect condition, and I want in the hands of someone who is going to take care of it…” at that point I put my head down, I felt a hand on my shoulder. “That’s why I’m going to accept your offer and give it to you.”

“Thank you! Oh my god, thank you!” I pulled out my wallet and gave the man 1200 dollars. He went into the kitchen and came back with the keys.

“Now it’s got about a half of tank left of gas. So you mite have to fill it up.” He told me, I nodded.

 “If you need a map, there is one in the back seat.”

I told him goodbye and I was out in my new car.

I was looking at the map and wondering was would be a good place to go. Then I spot it…

Los Angeles, California.

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