The Decision

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"Anyone got eyes on the Commander yet?" Hyker asked over comms as they approached the barricade protecting the Separatist base.

"Nothing, what about you?" Rex's voice asked over comms as he waited alongside Anakin and Ahsoka and the rest of the 501st along with some of Tack Battalion ready to strike as soon as Commander Thorn's position was located.

"Nothing." Hyker sighed before switching comms. "Anything Fives?" He asked desperate to get this over and done with to get back and protect the Capital. The stress of not having the Commander by his side was starting to become too much for him to handle, let alone the looming thought that perhaps they were searching for a corpse instead of the breathing Commander.

"Scabs thinks he's found a large energy field that's drawing enough power to suggest that someone is being detained there." Fives informed as he looked over the holo-image Scabs was showing him at that moment. "My guess is that it could be the detention level." Five suggested as he continued to analyse the holo-map he was being shown.

"Are you sure Fives?" Wolffe asked over comms as he shared a slightly worried glance at Hyker as they both looked at the holo-image Fives had just sent over. "Because we can't be wrong with this. We have one shot." Wolffe emphasised, the amount of worry for the safety of his wife showing clearly through his voice as he spoke to one of his many brothers.

"Brother, I'm sure." Fives stated back with so much certainty it made Rex proud so say that he was a part of the 501st.

"I trust Fives' judgement." Anakin stated over comms after hearing the whole debate. "If that much energy is being diverted to that level, they must be keeping something or someone important down there from getting out." Anakin said unwaveringly as he took a similar stance as his former master.

"Or keeping us from getting in." Mik interrupted abruptly. "We have to be sure! There is no point in us walking blindly to our deaths!" Mik emphasised as he stood beside an anxious Hyker and a worried Wolffe. "Look, Hyker, I know you want to find her, but we can't risk the safety of the Capital. Rose wouldn't want us to." Mik stated firmly as he turned to Hyker trying to get some sense out of the man.

"So, you suggest we leave her here to rot?!" Wolffe snapped at Mik, his eyes holding only sorrow and rage.

"We all will make this trip sooner or later Wolffe." Mik muttered sympathetically. "It might be time for you to accept that. We all have." Mik stated as he gestured to the surrounding soldiers of Kithom.

"I am not leaving her." Wolffe snarled, his grip on his blaster only tightening the longer they continued this convocation.

"We are sure." Fives interrupted calmly as he reobserved the holo-image. "Scabs?" He asked looking to Scabs for complete conformation.

"Bróðir, sá ir sinn. Iak vita sá ir."  Scabs replied strongly through the comms no sense of doubt lacing any of the words he spoke to his brothers.

"It's your call Hyker." Anakin stated as he took over the comms. "If you think this is it then we'll move, but you have to be sure." He said reassuringly as he awaited the go ahead from Hyker as he did not want to make a move on this base without having the best Kithomen fighters fighting beside him.

At first, only static came over the comms as Hyker contemplated the possibilities. If he got this wrong, then a whole lot of men would've died for nothing and then there was also the possibility that Rose wasn't even there. However, Hyker knew that he had a duty to his men to find their Commander and a promise to fulfil to Wolffe to find his wife. "Hyker, do you read me? Is this a go?" Anakin asked again after he gained no response from the Lieutenant.

But Anakin was still met with complete radio silence from Hyker. "General." Rex stated as he started to notice Anakin's uneasy from the silence he was being met with. "Let me try." Rex offered to which Anakin sighed slightly before giving a small nod of his head knowing that Rex had a better understanding of Hyker.

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