Pick Up Lines (Ziam)

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Zayn: hey bby
Liam: Hi hun :)
Zayn: I changed your contact name to google cuz your everything I looking for
Liam: oh my god not these again
Zayn: did you just fart?
Liam: u can smell it?
Zayn: cause you just blew me away
Liam: oh
Zayn: wait what
oh my god babe that's gross
Liam: I thought it was an honest question
Zayn: k
Liam: ...
Zayn: I'd get down on my knees for you ;)))
Liam: like u did last night?
Zayn: I am trying to be cute stop being so dirty
Liam: ok ok srry
Zayn: are you a universal ride? Cuz I want to ride you over and over again
Liam: get in my room now
Zayn: be there in 5 <3

Authors Note:
As you can obviously tell I ship Ziam and Larry but I do requests as well do if you have any requests just comment and ask💛

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