ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғᴏᴜʀ

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᠃ ⚘ sᴛᴀʀʀʏ-ᴇʏᴇᴅ ғᴀɴʙᴏʏ ⚘ ᠃

᠃ ⚘ sᴛᴀʀʀʏ-ᴇʏᴇᴅ ғᴀɴʙᴏʏ ⚘ ᠃

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A young boy at the age of eight years old with black spiky hair and bright starry chocolate brown eyes couldn't help but heave in exhaustion as he desperately tried to catch his breath and let his tired limp body take a few minutes rest. He had started training before the sun even rose to the now brightly vast blue sky and hadn't gotten a few minutes rest until now when it's nearing the warm summer afternoon. His body was practically screaming and cursing at him for his intense brutal training that he had subjected himself in but there was no damn way that he's giving up now.

He has sacrificed so much of himself and his future in order to achieve what he's doing right now. He is being trained by the world's number one hero, All Might, who has taken the time and patience to teach him all the basic knowledge of becoming a hero and how to be an expert fighter in the battlefield. He may be a quirkless boy but he's a damn determined one.

"Young Kaneko! You are truly a remarkable apprentice! You are improving faster than I have expected. I must've underestimated you, young boy." The familiar tone that belongs to the number one hero proudly announces with his usual signature bright beaming grin on his lips as he roughly pats the younger boy's shoulder which made him wince in pain due to his sore muscles after his brutal physical training. The hero immediately retracts his hand before giving his student an apologetic smile to which only made Hide pout in response, his hand coming up to wipe the dripping sweat off his forehead as he releases a rugged heavy sigh.

Hideyoshi then feels his knees grow weaker by the second and before he knows it, all the strength from his knees gives out and causes him to lose his balance. He sprawls out onto the ground like a starfish while he tries to steady his breathing and calm down his racing mind and heart that were already both oh so tired from training. He silently ignores the worried babblings of his mentor and blocks out his voice as he merely just focuses on calming himself down and cooling off. His tired chocolate brown colored eyes mindlessly staring up at the ocean blue colored sky as he starts to recollect his thoughts for what he experienced this morning.

"Drink this, young one. You did well today." All Might praises the boy once again as he hands him a bottle of cold water to refresh himself. He can't deny though, he truly is astonished and proud of his apprentice for the hard work that he's been doing in order to become a hero someday. He often sees himself in the young rising hero and even has the same spirit and determination as him.

There was no denying that the number one hero, All Might himself, treats and sees Hideyoshi as his own son.

Smiling fondly to himself and shifting his eyes around the area that they're in, All Might immediately lets out a loud sigh as puffs of smoke emitted from the body. And just like a balloon getting deflated, his once muscular and defined hero figure soon faded into his normal scrawny and fragile state as he let out a series of dry coughs before taking a seat beside Hide. It seems like the man was already out of breath and tired as hell for today. But he was determined to save up all his energy because he's been wanting to treat Hide out for dinner as a reward for his hard training. He wanted to bring him to one of his favorite diners that serve some of the most delicious home cooked meals that he has ever eaten.

"You did great today, Hide. I'm so proud of you." Toshinori once again praises his student, ruffling his messy hair in return as he brightly smiles down at him. And just like a little puppy receiving affection from someone, Hide nuzzles into his touch as he grins up at him in gratitude. The teenager only lazily gives him a thumbs up as a sign of thanks before grunting to himself while he sits up from the ground to compose himself.

While the world flows in sync with time around the two male, they merely stay inside of their little bubble and converse about mindless things regarding what's happening in their lives. Toshinori was silent the entire time but he was intently listening to the way Hide talks about his day and all the training that he's been doing. The teenager was bubbly retelling all of his stories while his hands corresponded with every action that he's talking about and his eyes brightened up with each topic he relayed towards his mentor. They both share stories, a few jokes and laughter along with a few pieces of advice for each other for their ongoing journey in their lives.

Through everyone else's eyes, it only looks like a father and a son enjoying a pleasant afternoon with each other in the empty parts of the park. It was such a wholesome and endearing sight to watch as they both converse and laugh.

"I think we should head home for now. We still have dinner plans for tonight." Toshinori lowly mumbles as he staggers with every movement while standing up from the ground. Out of instinct, Hide was already up on his feet and gently helping his teacher up on his steps to compose his balance. The hero only thanked him in response with a bright smile before ruffling his hair once again which made him vibrantly smile.

Both All Might and Hideyoshi made their way home so that they can refresh themselves and get ready for dinner tonight. It seems like the younger male was excited for their plans for tonight as he was glad and proud of himself that all of his hard work had started to fruit and bloom. He was thankful for his mentor for not giving up on him and being patient with him throughout his entire journey of training to become a worthy hero despite not having a quirk. With all the happiness bubbling inside of him, he was practically skipping with every step he took with a bright smile on his face.

Though just by his side, Toshinori was trying his best to be subtle and not let his award winning smile fall off his lips. He still has no idea on how he'll tell the young boy about his long term mission in America and that he'll be leaving him with the hero council while he's gone. He knows damn well that Hide will be a stubborn mule and will try to convince him to let him come and participate in the mission. But considering how dangerous the said mission is, there is no way that he'll let his student come with him since he's not yet ready for that responsibility.

Toshinori Yagi only deeply sighs as he watches how happy and bright his student is, whom he treats and sees as his son. He almost doesn't want to let him know about the mission and just pretend that everything was still fine for today. But sooner or later, he knows that he has to discuss these matters with him, especially since he's leaving tomorrow at noon and will not be coming back for a while.

The number one hero just wishes that things didn't have to go this way. But he knows that the hero council will do everything they can to train and take care of the boy he sees as his son.

The boy that will soon inherit the quirk that he possesses and let him walk down the path of becoming the number one hero of the new future of heroes. 


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