I said holding up my hands in fake surrender. She whirled around and embraced me in a tight hug.

"Oh my god you're finally back!"

"Yes and it was a pretty uneventful trip," I chuckled, the lie rolling off my tongue easily.

She turned fully to me and I froze, Aria's eye was completely bruised. Someone had hit her, hard.

I clasped her cheek in my palm, "What happened?"

"Oh um nothing," she said, trying to turn around.

"No, Aria what happened?"

"I uh got on the bad side of one of the guards," she mumbled, looking down.

"Who?" I asked, anger laced in my voice.

"Nat it's fine," she said, her eyes widening at my tone.

"No, who is it," I said.

"A guard named Marcus, he's been sleeping around with all the maids. He tried to get me to go with him but I refused," he said, her voice breaking. "T-that's when he decided to beat me."

I pulled her into an embrace and patted her back as she lightly sobbed into my shoulder.

"I uh need to get back to cleaning, there's a party here tonight and we all need to finish up before sunset.

I hugged her once more and then walked out of the hall. I was going to go outside and possibly get more information on my sisters. Until a warm hand clasped around my arm and pulled me into a little alcove.

I was pushed against someone's chest.

"Hello darling," a voice purred, and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want, prick," I spat at him, pushing myself away.

"There's a sort of party going on tonight, thrown by the queen and I want you to come."

I barked out a laugh, "Right, because after all the things I said to you. How I want to kill you and how I hate your guts you think I'll go to a party with you."

"Love, you will be coming tonight," he said, his voice deepening.

"Say if I were to come," I said, and his eyes lit up. "I don't have anything to wear."

"I have someone that can help with that," he smirked.

"I swear if you put me in something slutty I will kill you," I hissed at him.

He chuckled, "I can't promise anything."

I hit his chest, "Shut up."

"Meet me on the fifth floor in an hour and I'll lead you to the woman that will get you fit in a dress."

I rolled my eyes and nodded. I walked off to the kitchen, my stomach howling for food to fill it.

I grabbed a warm roll of bread and sat outside until an hour had passed. I got up from my shady spot and walked up five flights of stairs. I reached the fifth floor and Lucian was leaning against the wall. He straightened himself and glared at me, "You're late."

"Well no shit I had to walk up five flights of stairs," I retorted. He rolled his eyes and gestured for me to follow him. We passed large doors until we stopped upon a singular oak door. It was different from the other being dark marble and crystal.

Lucian opened the door and walked in before me, the room wasn't huge but it was full of fabric. Ranging from shiny blacks to dull blues. Glitter and sequins decked the fabrics around. Dresses and suits hung in piles and on racks.

The Queen of Ash and FlameWhere stories live. Discover now