Luka glanced at me before turning back to her son. "Uh... no, baby, I don't think so. It's just gonna be us and your sisters."

"We should all go to the ice cream shop then!" The three of us turned to look at Rin, who had just come into the kitchen. "I'm sure he's working today, and Mommy's never been."

"We'll have to see," Luka responded, but they weren't listening anymore. She turned to me. "You know, maybe that's a good idea. Then the two of you can get a chance to talk."

I shrugged. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. It's not like I'll burst into tears simply from talking to him."

"Alright... just making sure."

"That was very good," said Miku after licking all the syrup off her fork.

Run giggled as she picked up her plate. "Yeah, those were the best waffles I've ever had!"

"It's the same recipe I always make," Luka ruffled her hair.

"Yeah, well, they taste better when we all eat them together!"

"Do we need to wash the dishes?" I asked, getting ready to turn on the sink.

Luka smiled a tiny bit. "Not right now. We all need to have a chat in the living room."

"Are we in trouble? I hope you aren't mad at me for breaking that picture frame," Len mumbled, fidgeting with his hands.

Luka picked him up and he clung to her shoulder. "Of course not, baby, I told you I wasn't mad. Nobody is in trouble. Here, go sit with Auntie Mei in the big chair."

She unloaded him onto my lap and he snuggled up under my chin. Luka sat across from us on the couch, and both Rin and Miku hopped up next to her.

"So if nobody's in trouble what's this about?" Miku asked.

"I, uh, have some news," Luka started slowly. "I know yesterday was kinda... strange."

Rin crossed her arms. "Kaito said he would be right back but he wasn't."

"I know, baby. It was a hard day for everyone, and, well... did you see that man who was talking to me yesterday?"

They all nodded quietly.

"...That's him. He's your daddy."

"I knew it," Rin muttered. "We were right."

Luka turned to her. "You guys figured it out?"

"Do you remember that night I was in your room and you showed me a picture of him?" the little girl asked. "He looks a little different, since it's been a long time, but I thought maybe it could be him."

Her mother ruffled her hair. "You are so smart, baby. Yeah, I'm sorry you had to wait this long for me to tell you. It was the first time I've seen him since I was pregnant, and we had a lot to talk about."

"What did he say?" Len spoke up.

Luka took a deep breath. "Well, he wants to meet you all. He wants to start spending time with you and be in your lives, but I wanted to ask you guys before I gave him an answer. Now, don't answer that right away. I want you to think about it today while we're doing things together, because it is a big change. If you aren't ready, we can always wait a couple years until you're all older, but for now I'm okay with trying it out if you three are."

"If we say yes, is he going to live here?" It was Rin's turn to ask a question.

"I'm not sure, he might eventually," Luka responded. "Okay, I'm going to be totally honest with you. As much as I would like to answer all your questions, I have some of my own. I don't know what's going to happen and that's a little bit scary, that's why I want us all to decide on this together."

When nobody said anything, she turned to Miku, who had been silent the whole time. "What do you think?"

"Well, this is Rin and Len's dad, so that's a big deal. My opinion on this doesn't really matter, though."

"Of course it does!" Luka turned and kissed her forehead. "It matters just as much as everyone else's. I would like it if you could form a relationship with him, too."

"Alright," Miku responded quietly, and that was the end of it.

We spent most of the day at home like the bunch of introverts we were. We watched movies, played games, and there was lots and lots of cuddling, mostly between the blood-related Megurines. But we did end up going to the ice cream shop for the novelty of it. I really didn't feel like seeing Kaito, but this wasn't about me. As expected, he was working, and he smiled when he saw the kids. Everyone ordered and I was last. Luka had already moved down the counter and so it was just me and Kaito.

"Uh... I'll get a root beer float, I guess," I said quietly, looking him in the eye.

I could see him swallow as he went over to make the float. I was somewhat disappointed he didn't say anything, even though he didn't owe me any words. 

Root Beer Float (Kaito x Meiko)Where stories live. Discover now