Chapter 5: A New Chapter

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The next morning, you woke up and got ready, heading downstairs to get some breakfast before going off looking for Hogwarts. Dressed in a plain black tee and distressed navy jeans, topped off with black sneakers, you made your way downstairs. You saw Madam Rosmerta at a table, watching over her staff as she had a cup of tea.

"Good morning," you chirped, making your way to the table she was seated at. Taking a seat opposite her, you said, "You're up and working already? You slept after me!"

"I'm afraid this place won't run itself," she joked, taking another sip of her tea. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"Anything works. I don't know what to order," you laughed.

She walked off and returned with a plate full of food. "Eat up," she said and you thanked her, taking the plate from her. "Oh, this is great!" you said, excitedly. You always appreciated good food when you came across it since you enjoyed cooking so much. Madam Rosmerta spoke, making conversation as you ate, which you were grateful for.

"So what are your plans here in Hogsmeade? You must be here for something, having come here all the way from America, especially at this time."

"Oh, I have some work at Hogwarts. So I'm gonna spend my day looking for it," you chuckled nervously. You didn't want to explain your situation since even you understood it was a pretty odd one.

"Well, why would you go looking for it? Just get someone to take you. Like Betty, here," she said, waving one of the waitresses over. She made her way over to the table and offered a smile to b
oth of you.

"Betty. Be a dear and take this girl to Hogwarts, please," she urged the girl.

The girl nodded and said, "Of course, Madam Rosmerta. Excuse me for a moment while I go get changed." The girl ran off to the back and you mumbled a flustered, "Oh no, I wouldn't wanna be a bother. Won't you need her here?"

"I wouldn't have offered if it was a bother, dear. As for managing here, I can fill in for her while she drops you off. I trust you'll be able to find your way back?"

You nodded affirmatively, thanking her over and over. She laughed at your awkwardness and you left as soon as the girl returned. As you walked out of the inn, she said, "Betty Huxley," extending her hand towards you. You shook it as you replied, "[Y/N]. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Betty." You talked to Betty as you walked until you reached a certain point. From there on, she took you on these carriages pulled by these dark, horse-like creatures. She told you about Hogsmeade and pointed out places like Honeyduke's, Ollivander's (which you remembered seeing in Diagon Alley as well), Zonko's Joke Shop and Hog's Head Inn. A particular building called the Shrieking Shack caught your attention and she told you tales and stories about it for the rest of the way. As you neared your destination, your jaw nearly hit the floor.

"Oh. My. God! It's a freaking castle," you exclaimed, completely in awe of the structure. It was humongous and absolutely breathtaking.

Looking at your expression, Betty began telling you about Hogwarts for the rest of the trip. Once you reached, you hopped off with your bag in hand, paying the coachman for this trip, and the trip back. You thanked Betty, before walking towards the doors of the castle.

An older woman dressed in green, crossed you as you approached the castle doors, and she seemed to be on her way out when you caught her attention. "Can I help you?" She asked, looking you over through her glasses that sat low on the bridge of her nose, trying to figure out who you were.

"Oh. Yes, actually," you blurted out as you rummaged through your bag and pulled out a piece of paper. "I'm here to see... Albus Dumbledore," you declared, struggling to get the name right.

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