I'd never hurt you |chapter 6 - Cassie

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"Look I'm sorry if my reaction was too much I'm just-" I say as I suddenly hold back while almost spilling the words from my mouth.

"You're just what Cassie?" he looks at me in a serious way as he takes his hands off my face. 

"It's nothing I'm fine, let's get going." I say as I turn my head and look through the window.

Rafe turns his head forward to start his car. None of us say a single word. Silence has taken up the whole car by now. 

We have finally arrived to some Kook cafe and at this point my stomach is swelling up from hunger. The place looks fancy, its probably really expensive. Of course it is, after all its a Kooook's place, I say to myself in my head as I mock the way Rafe said "Kooks" back in the car. 

"A place for two please." He calls the waiter with a hand motion and asks him to arrange us a table.

"Wow Cameron knows the word please, how impressive." I tease him.

"Well maybe you don't know me that well after all." he smirks and hits back at me. Dang it, why did I just get butterflies all over my stomach. This isn't going to end well for you Cassie, I say in my head while going towards our table.

I order a lot of food, and at the moment I don't give a single shit about what Rafe is going to think about it. 

"I'll have the same." he says while smiling at me. This smile never fails to light me up. 

"I guess you're as hungry as me" I say teasingly while looking at him with a smile on my face.

"Bet. I'm much more famished than you. You see, the taller the person is, the more and faster they eat." he teases me because of our height difference.

"Oh please that's so not true Rafe, and you know that." I chuckle while looking aside.

"Okay then Ms.Stubborn," he calls me. "Let's see who can eat the fastest then." he smirks at me like he knows he's going to win. 

"Let the hungriest win." I smile as I look him right in the eye while I'm fully confident of wining.

As the food comes we both attack it and oh my god, my tummy feels so happy right now. I am finally having a meal.

We both rush as we eat our food. It's so delicious. I haven't had such a nice meal in so long. My dad usually heats up some sixty second made spicy ramen and that usually always makes our dinner. I'm surprised that I'm still holding up after having a diet that practically consists of only noodles. Anyways,

"The people around will probably think we're animals who just got out of their cage." I laugh as I bite the bread in my hand.

"Who cares, screw them all," Rafe says with a fully filled up mouth. It makes me laugh, he looks so damn adorable. 

"Come on don't get distracted, or I'll win." he smirks. I roll my eyes while smiling.

After eating all of our food we only have two French fries left on our table. One is his, and the other one is mine. Wow, how is this that we ate at absolutely the same speed. As a lean to take the fry, I see him taking the same one. He looks at me. I look back. I let my hand off the fry, while slightly blushing and quickly take the other fry to win. He puts the fry on his mouth then all of a sudden he starts coughing really bad. 

"Damn it, it's stuck in my throat!" he says in a cracking voice while coughing really hard.

"Rafe are you okay?" I panic and I put my fry back on the plate as I stand up to go hit his back.

Suddenly I hear a gulp and turn my face to see him smiling at me like he wasn't chocking I second ago.

"I won." he says confidently as he opens his mouth and put his tongue out.

"Dang it Cameron, I thought you were actually chocking." 

"Aww your little heart couldn't handle seeing me in pain?" he says in a sarcastic yet warm voice while looking at me with his puppy dog eyes.

"That's not fair, you tricked me Rafe. 

"I guess better luck next time." he smirks

"I swear I'd slap you so hard right now." I say in an annoyed way with a smile on my face, while slightly chuckling.

"Have at it." he smirks.

" he smirks

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