The Nijimura Brothers

Start from the beginning

   " Others? No, it's just the three of us. "

Behind you, there was a sound that directed your attention away from the glass window above you. You looked at where the noise was coming from and saw sparks coming from one of the electrical sockets in the wall. After a popping sound was heard, a gold stand appeared behind Okuyasu. The stand reminded you of a bird you would see on cartoons or one that was sick but on a human body. 

   " Okuyasu watch it! " You yelled.

   " Okuyasu, get your head out of your ass! " Keicho yelled.

Keicho punched Okuyasu away, but he was left defenseless. You ran towards Keicho and stood with your back pressed against his as the golden stand raised its fist to punch you and Keicho. You brought your left arm up, and the shield that your stand possessed started to materialize on your arm. It didn't feel heavy, and it seemed to have shrunk to accommodate your physical strength, but it still had the same shining tint. The stand's fist hit your shield, but the shield was small and light enough that you didn't falter or step back. Electricity radiated off the bird's hand and around the shield. 

   ' Metals are good conductors of electricity. I can't have him and my shield too many times, or I might get shocked beyond belief. I can already feel how much heat is being put on my shield from just a punch from this guy. I can deflect his hits, but only for a few seconds before the heat starts to burn my arms or the electricity comes onto my skin. '

You raised your foot and kicked Keicho backward. You heard him hit the floor behind you, and you shoved the stand's fist away from you before stepping back. Your arm felt really hot from the stand's electricity. The stand disappeared back into the socket, but you knew that wasn't the end of it. You waited and listened for the sound of sparks or anything from the surrounding sockets.

   " You saved me. . ."

   " Don't thank me yet. "

You looked around before finally hearing it.

   ' Gotcha. '

You turned to where the sparking socket was and held your shield in front of you, but the sparks stopped. 

   ' Where did he go? '

   " I'll be taking this bow and arrow, Keicho Nijimura. "

You turned around to see the stand grab the bow and arrow from Keicho's hands. Keicho didn't put up a fight due to his injuries, and they stand in front of him tried to punch him once more. But you blocked it with your shield. Now you were starring at the stand dead in the eyes while standing above Keicho to defend him.

   " Oh, and who is this? It seems your shield is strong and can defend against anything. But it's also a good conductor for the electricity from my stand Red Hot Chilie Pepper!  "

You looked at the hand touching your shield and saw more sparks and electricity forming and touching your shield. You started to see the same yellow sparkles and jagged lines on your side, and you pushed him away before you could be shocked. But the stand charged at you again, hitting your shield and releasing all of their electricity on your arm.

   " AH! You bastard! "

   " Y/n! "

You stepped back as your shield disappeared, and you held your arm against your chest. The skin was a blistering red color, and it burned to the point you could feel yourself sweating. 

   " Josuke! He's getting away with the bow and arrow! "

Red Hot Chili Pepper disappeared back through the socket, and you looked towards the windowpane above you, but no one was there anymore. Josuke jumped from one side of the room to the other and jumped through the windowpane, breaking it. He landed on the ceiling while you and Koichi stood near the new opening from inside. Okuyasu stood beside his sibling, making sure he was alright.

   " Is there anyone up there, Josuke? " You yelled.

   " No. He's gone. "

   " Damn, well come back inside then. "

   " I will in a minute, I'm gonna look at the houses and streets from the view. Maybe their on the streets. "

You nodded and looked down at Koichi. He asked you if you could help him up to the roof, and you put your hands down for him to place his foot on. You lifted him, and he jumped from your palms to the roof. You looked towards the Nijimura brothers and started walking towards them. 

   " Are you alright? " You asked Keicho. 

   " I almost killed you earlier, and now I was planning on keeping the bow and arrow for myself. How come you saved me. "

   " Human lives are precious. And just because you've killed many doesn't mean there isn't redemption for you. You just have to want it. "

   " . . .Thank you. " Keicho said, looking down at the floor.

   " Don't mention it. We don't know who the stand user is and I'm pretty sure he's gone now. But Josuke will help you with your father, he's that good of a person that he'll do it anyway. For right now, however, I think it's best if we three departed from here. It's late and we all need rest after our battles today. And don't insult Okuyasu anymore. At least not to the extent that you usually do, because even though he is your brother, you both love each other. Show it."

Keicho only nodded, and you yelled for the two boys to come down from the roof. You told them you were going home, and they agreed to leave the house. Josuke told Keicho that he could keep his injuries earlier, so Okuyasu was left to fix his brother up. Koichi told you and Josuke goodbye and ran off to get home before his curfew came. You walked beside Josuke, but after a few seconds of walking, you felt someone hit your arm. You looked down to your left arm to see the red blemish gone and your natural skin color back.

   " Thanks for healing me Josuke. "

   " Anytime, just tell me. How did you react to Red Hot Chili Pepper so fast? As soon as he appeared you were in front of Keicho with your stands shield. Didn't you just learn how to use a stand? "

   " Well. . .I figured. . .I figured that if I put myself in harm's way my stand will appear, or I could at least use the shield. I haven't gotten full control yet but for now, I know that if I put myself in danger, or I see others that need help, my stand will come. "

   " I don't like the fact that you have to put yourself in danger. Can't you just think you are? "

   " No, because if I do that I know that's not true because I don't see the danger. I have to see it. "

   " Fine. " Josuke said with a pout.

   " Hey, you can still protect me, but while you have my back I can now have yours. We'll protect each other. "

   " Sounds fine to me. " He said, smiling lightly instead of pouting.

I Will Protect You (Josuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now