☆~!Fit in!~☆

671 12 13

Hey there might be some trigger warning! idk yet! :3 Mentions of self harm!

2220 words!

((Continuing from last chapter))

Quackity woke up confused but eased down when he saw it was just sapnap and karl next to him.

"Good morning" Karl said smiling

"Morning" Quackity said yawning

"You look cute when you are sleeping, you look like a bunny" Karl said sitting up and stretching. Quackity giggled a bit and sat up as well. Sapnap was still sleeping and the boys didn't want to wake him. Quackitys stomach rumbled, quackity was hungry.

"Ducky are hungry" Karl asked quackity in a soft tone

"No, Just go home and get ready" Quackity said lying about him being hungry. Quackity was still in his habit of lying but what he didn't know they would be forever and they will take care of him like he was there one and only! Quackity stood up and stretched and hearing a couple pops and cracks. Karl began to walk out the door.

"I am to going to go get ready" Karl said smile 

"Okay bye" Quackity said with a smile on his face

Karl left quackitys ((house)) with a huge smile on his face ((Karl walked to his house btw)). Sapnap was still sleep and quackity was in the shower. Sap finally woke up and stretched a little. Sapnap pulled out his phone and saw he had multiple missed calls from his parents, Sapnap rushed out of quackitys house and hopped in his car and drove home. 

Sapnap parents were waiting in the living room on the couch.

"Why didn't you answer our text" Sap parents asked him, Sapnaps parents didn't care if he was out late but they just needed to know where he was

"I accidentally fell asleep" Sapnap answered

"With who" Sapnaps mom asked in a playfully tone

"With no one" Sapnap said chuckling. "I'm gonna go get ready, I am going out with my friends". Sapnaps parents were cool and chill, They didn't care what sapnap did but as long as its safe they didn't care.

-With dream-

Dream was bored and asked quackity if he wanted to hangout with them today. Quackity said "yes" and dream was overfilled with joy, dream hasn't seen quackity in about a month. Dream hopped out of bed and texted everyone 'We are going to meet at the park at 4 ;')'. 

-With george-

George thought it was another day of just hanging out with dream, karl and sapnap. He had no idea he would be hanging with on of his best friends again. George gave up on all hope to get quackity back. George really liked quackitys company, Quackity had a unique personalityYou could be have a terrible day and quackity would make you laughed and enjoy the moment. No one could replace quackity. 

George got out of bed and got into the shower. He brush his teeth and got dress, ((FIT CHECK!)). George had on grey khakis, with a brown plaid shirt. He ruffled his hair till he liked it then walked to his kitchen and put two peices of bread into his toaster and waited for it to be done.

-With quackity

MENTIONS OF SELF HARM.... ((They are not doing it the a mentioning it!))

Quackity was nervous. He was more worried about his appearanceQuackity didn't like how he looked. Quackity was reconsidering what he saidHe knew his friends were not gonna abandon him because of his looks but it was still possible. 

♥ Falling for each other♥  Feral boys  polyamorous relationship♥Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin