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~Amelia's POV~

It had been a week since I found out I was pregnant. Finally it had started to sink in. It was weird thinking that a small creature was growing inside of me. And it didn't help that I was by myself. The morning sickness seemed to last the whole day and I would get slight cramps every now and then but I knew the pain would only get worse.

Several times I had attempted to ring Niall and tell him, but every time I refused. I was too scared. My mind was having mixed emotions and to be quite honest I was terrified by the whole thing.

Once or twice I had thought of other way like adoption or abortion but I knew it wasn't the right decision and the thought of killing MY baby was horrific.

Alone, I knew I had to tell someone but I knew I couldn't have the guts to tell Niall or my parents so I rang the one person who I knew i could trust. Harry.

While me and Niall were dating me and Harry became extremely close. We had been best friends and although I was close to the other as well me and Harry had this bond where it made us like brother and sister.

Hesitant, I picked up the phone in my shaky hand and dialled the all too familiar number.





"Hello?" Harry's husky voice said through the speaker and I immediately knew I had woke him up from a slumber. Stupid me, I completely forgot the time distance.

"Harry?" I said my voice shaky and weak.

"Amelia! Omg how are you? I haven't heard or seen you in ages!" He cried through the phone making my hormones get the best of me and I started balling.

"Harry..." I wailed like a penguin who lost his mum.

"Amelia? Amelia what wrong?" He asked worry and stress evident in his voice.

I was nervous he would judge me and even more nervous he would tell Niall but I knew I had too.

"I'm pregnant," I whispered and I heard him gasp on the other end. I waited for the judging but it never came. Instead he just said my name in calm and soothing voices. Then came the sentence I was most dreading.

"You have to tell Niall."

Baby Bottles//Niall HoranKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat