• Introduction and Rules •

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                   Welcome to the
           🎊 Foodie Community 🎊

A place where all foodies can hang out.

If you love food, then wait no more and join our community!

If you love food, then wait no more and join our community!

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Follow these rules to become a part of our community ~

1. Follow this account and the Founder's account SmartChrome to get updates!

2. Add this book to your reading list and library too so that you can know what activity we'll do next!

3. Please join our discord server (not compulsory)

4. No rude behaviour to our fellow foodies!

5. Don't ghost us. If you wanna leave then inform us before hand by messaging us in this account privately.

6. Vote for the chapters.

7. Give a shoutout of our book on your message board.

That's it for now!!



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