"I see you've met our guard dogs" I sudden voice calls through, a light suddenly turns on and she walks through the cranks, they're all reaching for her but shes just out of their reach, when she comes closer, Thomas yells at her to stay back, something about her is familiar,

"You all look like shit" Her eyes land on me and she looks taken back, "Y/n..?" she asks, everyone looks at me, but my eyes are studying her because I defiantly know her from somewhere, "Do you not remember me?" I stay silent, she doesn't look angry that I don't remember her, she looks sad, extremely sad, "Come on, follow me" she turns around but none of us move,

"Unless you want to stay down here with them" She says, we all immediately move, we all follow her upstairs, everything still hurting she takes us through some rooms where people have fires and clusters of beds ect, she mentions someone called Jorge who wanted to meet us, she takes us upstairs into a room where a man is sitting in a chair,

"Jorge, they're here" She says sitting down on one of the sofas, she's still looking at me, he shushes us, he is listing to someone over the radio, he seems to loose connection with them and shuts it off, 

"Dammit!" He says, he turns around and looks at us, "Do you ever get the feeling the whole worlds against you?" He asks as the thunder still rumbles in the distance, "Three questions, Where did you come from?" He walks over to a small table, "Where are you going?" He picks up a glass and a glass pitcher "How can I profit?" we all stay silent, "Don't all answer at once"

"We're headed to the mountains" Thomas speaks up, "Looking for the Right Arm" some men laugh, the girl just looks confused, 

"Your looking for ghosts you mean" He smirks, he takes a sip of water, "Question number two" He steps forwards, "Where did you come from?"

"Thats our business" I say, Jorge is looking at me weirdly as though he might know me too, this made me extremely uncomfortable, suddenly the men all grab us and put us on our knees, the girl grabs some device off the table and shoves my head forward and holds it to my neck, 

"You fuckin touch me your dead" I say,

"I'd like to see you try"

"Trust me, you'd be dead before you would see it coming, and I'm saying that in the best way possible" Fry says, I hear a scanning noise and a line run down my neck, 

"What is that!" Newt yells, she looks at it nervous,

"You were right" She says to Jorge, she looks at me, she defiantly knew me now, she passes the device to him and he examines it, then he looks from me to her and she nods, 

"What do you mean?" Thomas asks, 

"I'm sorry hermano" He says, "looks like she's tagged, you came from wicked, which means, your very valuable" They all start closing in on us, the girl is looking at me worried, suddenly we are tied up by our feet upside down which is making my splitting headache 100% worse, 

"Good plan Thomas" Mihno says, "Just hear what the man has to say, really working out for us"

"Oh, shut up Mihno" He says annoyed, "Maybe I can reach the rope?" He starts trying to grab the rope attached to his feet but him and Mihno both fail miserably, 

"Enjoying the view?" Jorge asks walking in, 

"The hell do you  want?" Thomas asks,

"That is the question" Jorge asks, "My men want to sell you back to wicked, life has taught them to think small, I'm not like that, something tells me that your not either"

"Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense?" Mihno asks, Jorge looks pissed off, he points to me,

"Tell me, Y/n, what do you know about the Right Arm?"

"Tell me, Jorge, how to all you nosey motherfuckers know my name?"

"I thought you said they were ghosts?" Newt asks, Jorge is still looking at me incredibly annoyed, 

"I happen to believe in ghosts, especially when I hear them chattering on the airwaves" He says reaching for a lever, "You tell me what you know and maybe we can make a deal"

"We don't know much" Thomas admits, Jorge pulls the lever and we all drop a little, we all make loud noises unsettled,

"Okay! Okay! Alright!" Thomas says, "They're hiding in the mountains, And they attacked wicked, and they got out a bunch of kids, thats it thats all we know!" Jorge goes to say something when some large man walks in,

"Yo Jorge, what's going on?" He asks, 

"Me and my new friends were just getting acquainted" Jorge covers himself, "we're done now" He says giving me and Thomas one last glance before leaving the room with the other man, 

"Hey, wait, you not gonna help us?" Thomas asks, 

"Don't worry hermano, we'll get you back to where you belong" He smiles at the other guy and leaves, "Hang tight"

"Fuck" I mutter, "Okay guys I've had a splitting headache since that whole lightning thing and I'm sure yous are starting to get one too so we better come up with a plan to ditch this joint"

After trying for ages, we finally manage to swing to eachother, Teressa was swung a bunch of times in hopes to grab the lever, when she finally does, me and Newt managed to grab hold of eachother and were swinging around upside down, when she pulled the lever, we drop and bang heads, we let go of eachother clutching our heads pissing ourselves laughing, when we all got untied we heard Janson speaking through massive speakers,

"Shit" We all say, we turn around but the large man from earlier is blocking our way with a gun, 

"we're not trying to cause any trouble okay? we just gotta get out of here" Thomas says, 

"Is that so?" He says, "Janson, I got 'em for ya, I'm brining 'em down" He says into the walky-talky, 

"Sir, since we probably are all gonna die soon, I've just gotta say, your really not that intimidating" I slowly shake my head, "We've faced much worse than a toothless old middle-aged man" He point the gun at me, I smile, "A guy like you got no fuckin balls to shoot a poor innocent girl who has been through life times of trauma and is just trying to get home" I pout trying to guilt trip him, it seems to partly work until he recalls the part where I said he's got no balls and isn't intimidating, he pulls the trigger but I push the gun away from my chest and it ends up shooting me in the shoulder, everyone flinches at the sound, "Fuck" I whisper, no matter what anyone said we all knew he was gonna shoot at least one of us, I was just glad it was me, he cocks the gun again and immediately goes to shoot Thomas, but Thomas does exactly what I did and pushed it out the way before it could hit anyone, Thomas is trying to get the gun out of his hand but everything's happening so fast and all I can seem to focus on is the excruciating pain in my shoulder and the next gun shot.

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