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Tommy had settled slightly and was now sat in silence

"you ready to talk about it" Wolbur said

tommy nodded as he sniffed "It's tubbo,"

"And what about tubbo?" wilbur said softly

"Wilbur his parents hit him. it's not fair. i got out of it, why cant he" Tommy sniffed again

"Tommy, there's a difference between you and tubbo"

"I know. i'm in care he's not, but can we not call child athorities" tommy said his voice breaking

"Tommy, it's not that easy" Wolbur said,

"Tubbo is the first person my age ive bonded with, i don't wanna see him like that" tommy whispers

"I know, i know" Wilbur said, "Tommy"

Tommy looked up wiping his eye,

"i promise you, tubbo will be okay" Wilbur nodded,

For a minute, All tommy wanted was a hug, he never had a brother figure, well. he's had many foster brothers but non like wilbur,

"Wilbur," Tommy said suddenly


"Can we like, go out to get ice cream or something, just the two of us"

That sentence was a lot harder to say than he thought, the instant regret that came with it,

What if he-

"Sure, i'll grab the car keys" Wilbur said,

they both got up and tommy followed wilbur downstairs,

"Where are you two off to?" Phil asked,

"ice cream, i'll be back soon don't worry" Wilbur smiled,

They both got into wilbur's car and began the short but also long drive

"Will, uh" Tommy said,

Honestly wilbur was shocked at the name tommy called him,

"How did you end up with phil, like" Tommy stopped himself

"I was a lot like you tommy, you remind me a lot like you, except i was on the streets a lot, I was picked up by police officers and that's when dad found me, my attitude was just like yours, full of anger and hatred for the world"

"How did you change?"

"It took a while, but eventually i excepted that i had a family, techno was my age, we got along great, he was the best brother ever"

"Techno doesn't seem to great" Tommy grumbled

"He's the best once you warm up to him" Wilbur smiled pulling into the ice cream shop,

They got out the car and walked into the ice cream shop, "order what you want it's on me" Wilbur smiled,

Tommy ordered the bubblegum ice cream with sprinkles and bubblegum sauce, in a cup,

Wilbur got the mint ice cream with chocolate sauce,

They both sat at a table eating the ice cream

"Hey wilbur, will phil kick me out?" tommy asked

"Jesus no, if he did then- i would be shocked, phil always takes on the troubled kids" Wilbur chuckled

"Do they all move on?"

Wilbur went quiet "Yeah, Phil does a lot of fostering and after the kids are back up to normal behaviour they get adopted, it's happened a lot, i don't usually get attatched," Wilbur shrugged

"I guess i shouldn't get attached to you then huh" Tommy said,

"That doesn't mean we can't have fun" Wilbur shoved his shoulder slightly which tommy smiled at,

"Come on, let's head home" Wilbur ruffled tommys hair, which tommy gave an annoyed look at, but smiled as they walked out,

"Hey look it's tom" Two boys walked up to them both,

"These your friends tommy?" Wilbur asked

"I-" Tommy started

"Yeah we know him from the centre," The other one smirked

"No wonder he kept getting sent back, look at him, he's a tramp with issues" one said,

"Okay enough, go home boys" Wilbur stood in front of tommy,

"Awh does thomas need a body guard" They both pouted

Wilbur punched them both in the face, "i said go home." Wilbur said now with an angry tone

both boys looked terrified as they ran of,

Tommy was quiet and walked back to the car, he slammed the passenger door shut

"they're gonna think i'm a pussy and cant fight for myself now" He said as Wilbur sat in the drivers seat

"no they won't, they're jealous you have a stable home" Wilbur started the car


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