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Tommy got up from the bench to be met with a police officer, he turned and ran,

unfortunately the police are quick and grabbed his arms

"Let go of me!" Tommy yelled squirming

"yep this is him" the officer chuckled putting him down

"Don't think of running." The other officer said, "let's just get him home" they brought tommy to the police car and shoved him in,

the drive home was quick, very quick, they stopped outside the house and the nicer officer brought tommy out the car and walked him to the house,

he knocked on the door and phil answered immediately

"jesus tommy!" Phil said,

"I found him on a park bench, i don't think he was planning on coming back" the officer chuckled

"thank you officer" Phil gave an awkward smile as he walked away,

"inside." Phil said sternly

tommy had his head down, and hands in his pocket

"What we're you thinking?! You worried me" Phil began to raise hus voice which triggered tommy

"richt as if you would be worried ahout me. get a grip!" Tommy yelled back,

Techno stood up defending his dad, lifting an arm up,

Tommy flinched as techno stood up, scared that something would happen.

"Tommy.." Wilbur whispered.

Tommy turned and ran upstairs, once in his room he slammed his door,

he was angry, angry at the word,

He punched the wall, he saw it crack slightly and he flinched pulling his hand away, he saw the gash in his knuckles

"fuck fuck fuck" He repeated as blood dropped from his knuckle,

he walked out of his room to be met with wilbur stood there

"let me see" He said calmly

"no let me past," Tommy shoved past

"where are you going"

"i'm leaving," Tommy got his backpack sliding it onto his back,

"And where about it's that"

"quackitys house"

"Right the boy who gave you cigarettes" Wilbur scoffed

"Yeah but he knows more about me than you do, he actually helps me, and appreciates me. instead of yelling at me all the time" Tommy shoved past him,

he ran down the stairs

"Who said we don't care about you!" Wilbur followed him

"Oh i don't know, the fact every time i've come home you don't talk to me, ask where i went, i bet you didn't give two suits when the police brought me here" Tommy yelled

"Boys enough" Phil interrupted

"Shut up! You haven't done anything for me here, i know it's only been a day, but i hate it here." Tommy turned slamming the front door,

he walked to quackitys house, it wasn't too far, he knocked on the door,

Quackity lived on his own with karl, so he had no issues with tommy coming over

"Tommy come in, Tubbos also here" Quackity opened the door,

Tommy walked in throwing his bag on the floor, He sat at the dining room table,

and he cried. he broke down and cried,

"hey woah woah, what's happened?" Quackity said

"they don't care, they never do. no one wants me" Tommy choked up sobs,

"How do you know that"

"Everyone i've been to since i was 4 had kicked me out, sent me back, made me feel like shit, Some even went as far as to hit me," Tommy said,

"Uh quackity can i stay here the night" Tubbo came into the dining room,

"Uh, fuck. Sure, you know where the spare room is right?" Quackity said,

Tubbo smiled and ran up to the room,

Karl came into the room, "You okay?" He sat next to quackity

Tommy sniffed, "yeah, i should be. i'm not going back"

"i don't wanna be the bad guy, i've met wilbur, i'm friends with george, who's friends with him" Karl said, Quackity nodded in agreement

"no no- please, please don't tell him i'm here, i don't wanna imagine what he's gonna do" Tommy said,

There was a sudden knock at the door,

Quackity nodded at karl and karl answered the door,

"Tommy, oh my god, dad is worried" Wilbur said,

"No. no he's not," Tommy sniffed again putting his head in his arms, as tears fell and gathered on the table,

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