When Destiny Does It's Magic💚

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Bright's P.O.V

It hurts. Hurts so freaking much that I want to breakdown and cry. I tried so hard. But in the end she chose him over me. I was the one who was here for her and yet she chose him. The guys who broke her into pieces. 

I want to walk past them, to act like them getting back together doesn't hurt me. But I can't seem to move. Rosy saw me standing there and smiled at me. I managed to hold my tears and gave her a small smile. They broke from the hug and that's when Michael saw me. Michael is Rosy's boyfriend. He gave me a nod and I just smiled back.

They've been dating since as long as I moved in here. I came here 3 years ago and they had started dating a few months before that. Whenever Rosy had a fight with Michael she used to come to me and I used to be the one to console her. I was her bestfriend after all. It's my duty to keep her happy. But somewhere along the way I started catching feelings but she didn't. It was always him for her. I was never an option. Just the bestfriend. 

But now I was tired. Every time they got into an argument I got my hopes up just to get them broken each time. I need to move on. I gather up all the strength I have left and walk past them to the elevator. As soon as I get in the elevator tears start dropping from my eyes and I lean against the wall closing my eyes. 

My apartment is in the 27th floor so that gives me some time to clear my mind before walking out of the elevator hoping no one decides to join my ride midway. 'Where do I go now?' I start thinking. Rosy had been the only proper friend I made here apart from my colleagues from work. My work colleagues were cool but we aren't in a level where we call each other when we're going through a heartbreak so that's out of the options. I wipe my tears as the lobby floor comes closer. I get out and let my feet take me wherever they want.

15 mins later I find myself standing in front of the local bar a few streets down my apartment building. I come here every Friday with my friends from work, and sometimes with Rosy too when she has a hard time to deal with. 

It's still 8pm and the bar is quite empty since it's a weekday. I look around and spot the place I usually sit with Rosy still vacant. 'No! You need to move on!' I remind myself. I look around and spot a booth at the far end of the bar and walk over to settle there. 

A band is playing in the background and the music makes my mind wander back to the times I spent with Rosy here. We used to dance and jump and scream our lungs out when we got drunk. It takes sometime before I notice a waiter waiting by my booth to get my order. I have seen him a couple of times before when I came here. I look up and get a closer look at him. He gives me a smile and I'm in awe. 'How can men have such beautiful smiles?' I ask myself.

"Hello Sir! Would you like to order anything? A whiskey maybe?" He asks. His voice sends chills down my body. 'What's happening to me?' I'm confused. 

"Ughhh..... Yeah get me a whisky for now" I say not wanting to take my eyes off him.

"Be right back" he says Spinning around and walking back to get my order. I see him and another person behind the counter and wonder why the bar is low of staff today. Normally I see at least five people spinning around getting orders and two bartenders. But today it's just the guy who took my order and a bartender. 

He starts preparing my drink by himself and I watch him as he moves around. He glances my way and I look away getting shy over being caught. 'Why haven't I payed attention to him when I came here before?' I wait patiently trying my best to not look at the beauty behind the counter.

"I haven't seen you here on weekdays unless it's with your girlfriend" The voice makes me turn my head up to see him standing with the whiskey. He keeps the glass on the table. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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