You Are My Tawan💙

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Tay Tawan and New Thitipoom had been bestfriends for the past four years. They first met at GMM when they had started their careers as actors. The boys had a 2 year age gap between them. They got along well and within the first few months at GMM they had already become inseparable.

They went everywhere together. They were both good looking and had already gained many fans. The fans would often follow them everywhere and sometimes they were misunderstood by many fans that who thought that they were dating. They often went shopping together as New loved to select cloths for Tay and Tay knew that New was the best stylist for him. They often went to each others condos and played games together.

Tay had always loved New more than just a bestfriend and New had grown feelings for Tay too. But he was still unsure of his feelings. It's not because he was straight or because he had only dated girls before. The boy was always up for adventures. He had many friends with boyfriends and even his bestfriend (Singto) was currently dating his co-worker at GMM (Krist). They were currently shooting for sotus which is supposed to be aired in a few months. New was also acting in this series and he was supposed to fall in love with May a female character in the series.

It's just that this was Tay they were talking about. You never know what goes through that guy's head. New had a feeling that Tay wouldn't like him back more than just a friend so he tried to keep his feelings locked up scared to ruin their precious friendship. But little did he know that the other was also struggling to control himself when he was around New.

It was a friday night and they were out at the Jayler's bar for a drink with their friends at GMM. They were both a bit drunk and New had already reached his limit. New was a light drinker and Tay knew that. When he realized that New was already feeling tipsy he tried to excuse themselves and leave. But their fellow actors insisted on staying and drinking more. New too wanted to stay longer so Tay decided to stay as he didn't have the heart to say no to his precious *HIN. Tay called New Hin because his body was tough like a stone.

(*HIN means stone/rock in thai language)

New wanted to get drunk so that he will finally get the courage to tell Tay how he felt. He was finding it harder to hide his feelings these days. He got jealous when Gun was with Tay. Gun was also an actor from GMM. He would often come and hug Tay or keep clinging onto him and this hurt New very badly. He was starting to think that they were dating. But then again Tay wouldn't hide something like that from him and Tay had never talked about Gun with him unless it was regarding work.

Back to the current situation : New was sitting in the corner with Tay next to him. Gun was sitting on the other side of Tay and next to Gun was Off. The rest of the actors were currently spread across the bar flirting with various women at different tables, New was feeling sleepy so that he was keeping his head on the table turning it a bit so that he could still see what Tay was doing. Tay was talking with Off and Gun and they were laughing so hard. New's head was dizzy so he couldn't really hear what they were talking about.

Suddenly Off started tickling Gun and that made him jump onto Tay's lap. Tay on the other hand too continued to tickle Gun. They seemed so happy. He could see Tay's eyes sparkling with happiness. New felt that what he had been denying all this time could be true after all. Maybe Tay indeed was dating Gun, or else why would he even let him sit on his lap. Tay never let New do that. He always said that it was because New was bigger than himself and that he would get crushed in New sat on his lap. But this didn't stop New from feeling jealous. He suddenly stood up. He felt that he needed to get out of there because his heart was hurting too bad. Tumbling a few times on his way he quickly started to make a run for the exit. Just as he was about to push the handle of the door, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

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