When It All Began💛

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Joss was well known not only in Thailand but also around the world because of his amazing looks and because he was an actor at GMMTV, one of the leading Tv stations in Thailand. He loved many things but the one thing that stood above the rest was taking good care of his body. This is why he never missed his evening fitness session in one of the famous fitness centers in Bangkok. It was a Monday. Joss arrived at the fitness center a little too early because he came there straight after attending an event at his work place (GMM) and was too bored to go home and come back. He always had extra cloths stored in his car.

He entered the locker room removing his shirt expecting to find the room empty. But to his surprise his expectation did not meet the reality. The view infront of him left him breathless. This was destiny working it's magic on Joss. The reason he arrived at the fitness center earlier than usual, the fact that he felt bored to go home and come back even though he always went home before coming here, it all added up to one word : Destiny.

Let me tell you a bit about Joss first. He was a kindhearted young man with amazing looks that many of his co-workers envied him. Normally people with good looks were well-known to be players but Joss wasn't a player. He had many girlfriends before but he was always loyal to his partner. He always started a new relationship hoping for it to last forever. He never dated anyone because they were pretty or because he felt lonely. He only dated the ones he loved. But everytime they had cheated on him or replaced him with someone else.

Most of them used him to get popularity and some used him for his money. He loved all his partners very much. But every single time he got his heart broken in return. This is why he had made up his mind to not start a relationship with anyone until he felt that the bond was strong or until he felt secure to give his heart to someone again.

Back to the view that left him breathless: He saw a boy probably around his age, shirtless, standing in front of the locker next to the one that belonged to him. Joss was sure that this wasn't a local because his skin was so white that he felt like it was glowing. He was muscular but not as buff as Joss. Seeing his body made Joss realize that that the boy had definitely spent countless hours picking up heavy objects and putting them down repeatedly. As soon as he laid his eyes on that stranger he felt a strong urge to touch him.

Don't get a wrong idea. Joss was straight (Or so he thought). He wasn't apervert. He had worked with both females and males as his partner in various series. But none of those actors or his past girlfriends were able to give him the feeling he got when he saw this man standing in front of him, even though he had only seen this man's back so far. It wasn't that he was turned on or anything. It was destiny trying to show him the signs that this man infront of him wasn't going to be just a stranger to his life. He felt his heart beating a bit faster than normal with every step he took towards the stranger. Sensing someone's presence the stranger turned.

It wasn't until the stranger cleared his throat when Joss realized that he had been staring at the stranger's body. Joss immediately looked away feeling embarrassed. The stranger remained silent. Joss looked into the stranger's eyes. He had beautiful eyes, the kind which made you lose yourself staring at them. They showed different emotions with each passing second. First they were filled with anger. The next second they started softening.
"Hi. I'm Luke." said the stranger that had already started making his way into Joss's heart,

"Ummm... Hi I'm Joss. Are you new here? I don't think that I have seen you before."
"Ohhe.. So do you know everyone that comes here? Are you a fitness instructor or something?"
'Great... He thinks that I'm a fitness instructor!!!'
"Not exactly, but I come here everyday and I have seen most of the people who come here. It's just that I have never seen you around here before. I thought that you were new here. Sorry though, I didn't mean to offend you." - J
"Well then you thought right." Replied Luke Smiling. That Smile was enough to take Joss's heart away. "And by the way I was kidding. You don't have to act so professional and serious." - L
Joss let go of the breath that he had been holding for quite some time.
"I'm glad to hear that." And they both started laughing thinking about their firts meeting.

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