Ch. 28 - Downpour

Start from the beginning

"George?" He heard an angelic voice call. He looked down to see Dream staring up at him with a worried look, "What are you going up there?"

George felt even more tears fall, "D-dream, help me." He choked out.

Dream opened up his arms, "Jump and I'll catch you."

George shook his head, "I can't. If I let go I-I'll fall."

Dream moved directly under him, "George, I'll catch you, you'll be okay." He said reassuringly.

George closed his eyes and hugged the tree even tighter, "I can't." He repeated.

Dream sighed, "George, do you trust me?"

Without hesitation, "No."

"George! Just fall! I promise I'll catch you." Dream was losing patience.

George shook his hand. "T-too scared."

"Do I need me to call the fire apartment?" Dream joked. George didn't find it funny. "Fine, I'm coming up to get you." Dream walked around the tree to find the best spot to climb up at. He pulled himself up and sat down beside George. Dream grabbed George's hands and peeled them off the tree. George quickly wrapped them around Dream's waist. and buried his face into Dream's chest. Dream hugged George close to him. George attached to him like a koala and Dream carefully descended the tree. once they were on solid ground Dream let go, but George didn't. "Come on, George, you're okay now." Dream kissed him on the forehead.

George only tightened his grip. "B-but my tail and ears." He whined into Dream's neck.

Dream looked at him concerned, "You don't have a tail or cat ears."

George let go of Dream and looked at where his tail would be, "Where did it go?"

"Did it come back?" Dream asked confused.

"Yeah, I even had to take a picture with a little girl because they thought I was cosplaying," George whined.

Dream chuckled, "That's kind of funny. Why did you turn back into a catboy? Did you think about hating me or something?"

George rolled his eyes, "No. C-can we go home?" George wiped away his dry tears.

Dream smiled, he loved that George called his house home. "Okay," He took George's hand and they started walking back. "How did you end up in a tree?"

"A dog started barking at me." George frowned.

Dream smirked, "Oh my god, you are such a cat."

George lightly shoved him away. "Where were you!? I was waiting for like half an hour in the park!"

"Sapnap called me, a package I ordered arrived and it needed to be signed so I just quickly run back and signed it. I thought you would be fine on your own." Dream explained.

"Well, I wasn't." George huffed.

Dream squeezed George's hand, "I love you."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." George stopped walking.

Dream turned around and looked at him, "Why'd you stop?"

"I felt a raindrop."

Dream looked up and saw a huge dark grey cloud. then it started pouring.

"How far away is the house?" George practically yelled because the rain was so loud.

"Five minutes!" Dream shouted back.

George started sprinting toward the house while still holding Dream's hand. Dream almost fell over but caught himself and quickly matched George's speed.

"I'm soaked." George laughed as he entered the house.

Dream closed the door behind him, "That rain came out of nowhere." Dream wheezed.

George shivered, "I need to change."

"You should have a bath too. I don't want you to get sick again." Dream gently moved some of George's wet hair out of his face.

"What about you?" George questioned.

"I'll have a warm cup of hot chocolate or something." He shrugged.

"Why don't you join me."

"What?" Dream asked confused, his face started to heat up.

"Join me in the bath," George said casually as he kicked off his soaking wet shoes.

"A-are you sure?" Dream bit his bottom lip.

"Yeah, it will be no different from being in the hot tub." George reasoned.

"But we won't be wearing-"

George cut him off, "We'll be wearing our bathing suits of course."

Dream blushed even harder, "R-right, of course."

George looked at Dream and smirked, "What? Were you hoping for more?" He teased.

"One day I'll have all of you." Dream whispered back confidently.

George blushed and pushed him back, "Whatever, I'm going to go get changed." He stuck out his tongue and walked away.

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