"No, you hadn't." I smiled smugly.

"All right, then we'll just kill your friends." The voice laughed and the others joined in.


"Good idea."

My death was frightening, but Edmund's death was much worse.

"What do you want with me?" I dropped the smugness and the pretense. I'd do anything to protect Edmund.

"You will enter the house...of The Oppressor." The voice said, all humor gone from his tone.

"What house?" I asked. As far as I'd seen there were no structures on the island.

"This one." The voice said.

Then, as if magic, in the middle of the air a door frame appeared with the door hanging slightly ajar. The door was almost invisible, camouflaging cleverly amidst the scenery.

"Inside, you'll find The Book of Incantations. Recite the spell that make the unseen seen." The voice ordered.

"Well put, Chief. Well put." Another voice added



"Well, go on. We haven't got all day" I felt a hard shove forward.

Could I just run off now? Would I make it back in time? Could I warn everyone to get off the island before these creatures attack? Before I could answer my own doubts, it was as if the creatures read my mind.

"Remember what will happen to your friends." He said threateningly. "You've been warned."

"Yeah. Yeah." The other voice all piped up again.





I peered at the doorway. "Why don't you do it yourselves?" I asked, walking closer to the door.

"We can't read." The voice responded quietly. Oh...

"Why didn't you just say so?" I told them.

"Beware The Oppressor." Was the voice's only response

"He's very oppressive." A small voice added.

"'What makes the unseen seen,' got it?" A third voice reminded me. I nodded, pushing the door open.

I looked inside expecting to find something strange as the doorway. But it seemed almost like an ordinary house.

With a very extensive library.

I walked forward, curiously glancing around. I flinched as the door thudded to a close behind me.

I just had to read out a spell... how hard could it be?

I walked forward, my eyes roaming the aisles of books. Which one could be the Book of Incantations.

I didn't have to search far for the answer as one book lay in the middle, sitting on a pedestal. I walked over to it, looking at it closely.

It was dark brown, almost black. There was lettering on it, but it seemed too difficult to read because of the dust that settled on the top. So I took in a breath and blew across the cover.

More than dust moved.

The letters flew across the cover, landing in place.

The Book of Incantations

Miracle {Edmund X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now