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Assalamualiakum y'all,I hope you all are doing perfectly's been long yeah and I'm here with a good news,though I'm happy and Scared all at a time to know what you think about the new novel ,I'm happy that I'm starting a new journey,a new novel and I'm scared that Maybe you wouldn't like it and support me like my first journey AMAANI.But I'm here with something new I know some of you have read the Blurb and preface which I got some comments from some of my readers, friends and family-which got me feeling so excited and even more mora that I can do this,it's gonna be a short romantic novel so I plead with you if ROMANTIC is not your word then this novel is not for you because it contains matured contents in it,i repeat again MATURED CONTENTS!


Now let's talk about....THE TABOO NIGHT!......

^This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Translation of this book in any language is not acceptable,If you see this book somewhere please kindly report to me,I don't accept copy cats!don't copy my work this is my work,my brain cracking,my thinking,my imagination and all....this is also my sweat and suffering I don't accept any brainless bimbo to copy my work and paste it on the wall,giving him/her self credit of what he/she didn't do(writers you can relate to this)I accept corrections but not in an insolent Way,please let's respect ourselves.

^All chapters will be a maximum of one Figure throughout the book inshallah

^This book contains matured contents ,read at your own risk,I've said this and I'll keep saying it throughout this journey,if you're not okay with it kindly leave cx this is not your boooook!

^For the love I have for poems,I think all my books will include poems,yeah!yeah! If you've read my first book Amaani you'd know I'm a poem person,some written by me and others are written by my favorites,so ...if you're not a poem person then I'm sorry cx you won't get the language and I have no time to translate....sexual description will be in poems...well,mostly...everything in this book is exposed.

^Their will be a whole load of if you ain't one to read don't come wagging your tail complaining that the chapters are too hell yeah...this is a novel we're talking's not A movie you can just watch with your,understand and grab the lessons....don't just grab them and use them,because in life we need loads of lessons!

^This book will contain a lot of sexual activities-words and talks....friends influence by the way,and forbidden things in Islam ......the things which are TABOO(haram)we'll see and read all the cons and prons...hadiths and words from the Quran'!yup if you're not one to read and learn then don't come this is not your book!

^most importantly....the words of our parents#mothers! How careful we should be with every warning that are pass to us by our parents/elderly person....the words of parents,it's importance and how powerful the status of parents are in Islam.

^we're gonna talk about scienceeee! Diseases,the little diseases we should take seriously and most importantly money can't buy everything,money can't cure all your illness but Allah can,so sit tight ladies,this book is for youuuuu!a lot will be put into it which you'll learn.

^please I beg y'all let me for once's do this my own way,respect my book and respect yourself,no bad feelings abeg!no bad energy...bad energy stay far away...remember no person is perfect you will see mistakes,spelling errors and what not...!its not easy to type and at times it ain't even from us but from our keyboards(writers can relate 😩)but we still try our best to edit it but you know we can't do all!it's good to correct a soul but please not in an insolent I said let's respect our selves...I tried the first time but even though I can't reach to everyone's expectations,so pls let me do this my way...lemme do my grammar things and showcase my English small na!😁it won't be hard....easy words down their I promise.

^Be careful down their as your going,MATURED CONTENTS! I repeat again MATURED CONTENT! (Don't come and say I spoiled you ooo,or call me yar iska 00 abegggg!🚶‍♀️) PG-18 it's advice if you're not up to eighteen years please don't read this book,i repeat again don't read this book!

I'd like to give a special thanks to my two best friends Darkey____

And @zeenat

And Elsayyeed

Thanks my love for all the support,names,book covers and all,I love you like jawaad loves his AMAANI🤣❤️

Thank y'all and I hope and wish you'll support me like y'all did in AMAANI!It would really be

encouraging💯💯boost my MORA NOW😩😎😂so...please like,share and comments🤞❤️Tell your friends to tell their friends to tell their friends friends that Finally THE TABOO NUGHT IS HERE !!!

You're gonna love it trust me I know 😎

This is it till we meet when we meet!full my comments box and chapter one will be released soon spoil me with your votes and likes🤞❤️

I'm going back to school soon but I'll try to update frequently inshallah.

Have a good day lovelies I love y'all ❤️

It's your girl jidda😎

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