Blizzard's Howlathon

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It's Blizzard's birthday. yay 🙄

All Blizzard's birthday means for me is I have to go to another Howlathon tonight. A Howlathon is how wolves celebrate their birthdays, the whole pack has to go especially the birthday wolf's sister so unfortunately for me there's no getting out of it. All that happens at a Howlathon is all the wolves in the pack gather together at night, have a sort of party thing, the birthday wolf gets a really big and tasty meal even if they aren't an Alpha or a Beta and then at midnight just as the Howlathon and they wolf's birthday is ending everyone howls at the moon. I like the howling at the moon part but watching someone else (especially Blizzard) eat the most delicious meal imaginable to wolf isn't exactly anywolves idea of fun.

In the early parts of the night the Hunters went out to gather Blizzard's Howlathon meal. Sometimes the birthday wolf is really lucky and the Hunters gather loads of meat, sometimes it's not very big if we're going through a bad spell. Sometimes when we're going through a really bad spell the Omegas in the pack are close to starvation, luckily for me my parents are the Alphas of the pack so I'm a beta. I'm also the next in line to become an Alpha.

As a beta everyone expects me to meet a male wolf and fall in love so we can be the next Alpha couple but is it possible I'm just not attracted to male wolves because I haven't even been close to falling in love with a single male wolf in our pack and I've met them all many times.

I was hoping maybe there wouldn't really be much of giant Howlathon meal for Blizzard because he's so rude to me all the time but instead the Hunters came back with the biggest Howlathon meal I'd ever seen.

"Hey Alpine, bet you wished you'd had this kind of meal on your last Howlathon" Blizzard quipped when he saw his meal.

"I don't care about Howlathons, leave me alone" I replied even though that wasn't true...

I don't care about OTHER wolves Howlathons but my own, well I look forward to my own Howlathon for weeks.

And my last Howlathon had happened about a month ago when we were going through a dry spell with food so my last Howlathon meal was very meagre and Blizzard just loves to bring it up again and again.


A few hours later the Howlathon was in full swing, Blizzard was chowing down to his massive meal while all the other wolves around him were partying and eating small things they'd caught themselves or saved up such as rabbits or beavers.

I didn't have anything to eat and neither did Luna so my best friend, Sierra shared her beaver with us.

"You really don't have to share your food, Sierra" I said as I took a small bite out of the beaver.

"What's mine is yours" she smiled at me. I smiled back Sierra's such a good friend.

"Thank you Sierra" my little sister Luna said with her mouth full of beaver.

I smiled at them both, actually if I could have a small pack of my own I'd want Sierra and Luna in it.


Most wolves were tired from the party and had finished their food and the howling at the moon was about to start.

Blizzard finished the last scraps of his food and opened his mouth to speak, he looked very serious and he never looks serious so I paid as much attention as I could to what he was about to say, "My pack, may I have your attention please" he began, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at him, "I am now a year older and I feel I want to start my own life, begin my own pack" I can't believe what I'm hearing "So today I am leaving this pack to start my own" I didn't know how to react, my parents where the first ones to react.

They walked up to Blizzard and hugged him, "we fully support your choice and will let you go" my mum told him, Blizzard smiled though a tear ran down his cheek "and I hope you have a successfull life and start a successfull pack, we wish you the best of luck" my dad added.

Blizzard looked around at all of us and smiled "I will leave tomorrow morning" he declared "first we will finish my Howlathon with my final howl at the moon in this pack" for the first time ever I felt a warmth for Blizzard, I never thought I'd say this but I'll actually miss him.


So we all gathered together looked up at the moon and howled. We howled and howled. As I howled I thought about my future, will I just stay in this pack or will I make my own...

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