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hello! euavye here!

this is my first time writing a book and i just kinda write this impulsively as i got bored on my holiday.

also, English is not my first language, so if you found a grammatical error or anything else about language, you can correct me in the comments. i'm more than happy to receive feedbacks be it bad or good.

at first i wanted to write a story about cutie bb Inu, but somehow this turns into a Fushiguro story, lol.

i wanted to include a picture about how i imagined Ayaka/Miyuki would be, but i'm not the best at drawing, lol.

so I'll give my best to describe her appearance along the story.


Ikari Miyuki

she's a curse who lives about 50 years before Sukuna. she was once a part of the five sacred family of sorcerers. she has an older brother.

she has d hair with grey eyes, her skin is white milk and she's the best at painting. making her looks like a ghost but she loves her dark hair and grey eyes.

she loves nighttime and hates daytime. she also loves the ocean as it makes her calm. she loves practicing drowning in the ocean, also makes her calm.


Itou Ayaka

she has the same appearance but she never know about het appearance as no one ever told her about it and when she do ask they'll tell her that she's ugly. she was a quiet child with a lot of health complications. beside her being blind, her lungs and heart is also not in the best conditions. this makes her get bullied when she's a child until she's at middle school as she's not allowed to exert herself.

her parents died when she's in middle school, leaving her to live alone in the apartment. she takes care of herself and went to the doctors for checkup alone as well. sometimes she went to the church to calm her mind or just to think, but she's not a Christian.


I'll give a more detailed introduction about Miyuki and Ayaka at the end of the book. to be honest I've already written down about 3/4 of the books, and boyy it was an emotional rollercoaster for me.

i hope you'll enjoy this story! ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

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