Chapter 2: "Happy Birthday, Love Trinity."

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6:00 PM
Wednesday 10th October 2018
Trinity's P.O.V

Once I clocked out from my shift, I went to the back room with Sandy to take off my pink 50's waitress dress as it was meant to be the aesthetic of The Jazz Front. The owner has meant to change the name to "The Rocky Front" but I don't think they had time to do so lately. Work is work and I don't really complain much!

"Hey, what are ya plannin' on doing for Halloween?" Sandy asked me as she lit up a cigarette as she sat down on a bench. "My cousins are throwing a massive Halloween party and me, my brother and his friends are going to be there!"

"Well, Sandy, I'm planning to just stay in, dress up and maybe fiddle around with my electric guitar that I bought for myself on my birthday." I replied to Sandy.

"Really? Introverted much?" Sandy jokingly scoffed and took another puff. "Well, if you ever change your mind, lemme know. And hey, aren't you single?"

"Yeah and?" I responded to her, inquiring for her to elaborate more on her question.

"So, I was thinking of hook'n you up with my bro!" Sandy further explained to me and I kept shaking my head to myself as she went yammering on. "I mean it's just a suggestion, not like I'm gonna ask him to meet you here one day."

I went over to a nearby window to open it up for a little bit to air out the cigarette smoke. "Sandy, you can introduce me to as many men as you want, but I'll always turn them down." I declared to Sandy and she simply shrugged.

???'s P.O.V

I stayed behind after hearing that girl's conversation about her ex-boyfriend being in prison. What intrigued me the most was when she said "thank the lord he's in jail though and I'm not" and so I decided to hang around the sleazy diner and wait for her to finish her shift so I can follow her. Then I heard someone opening a window from a room and as soon as I was near the window, I smelt cigarette smoke which should've made me want to throw up but then I realised that brunette girl was in the room with that blonde lady.

"Sandy, you can introduce me to as many men as you want, but I'll always turn them down." she said to the blonde lady.

"I mean, suit yourself but you've been looking real lonely lately." the blonde girl commented on the girl's response. "What happened to you anyway?"

"I don't wanna talk about it!" the girl snapped calmly. "Look, to put simply to you, Sandy, I'm not interested in dating right now. And before you even mention it, I ain't doing no hook ups or one night stands because I've done it once and I regretted it because I ended up having feelings for the guy and the fucking bastard stood me up!"

The girl slammed her locker shut and stayed there for a minute before she began to have a small breakdown. Sandy went over to her and rubbed her back to comfort her after her rant about her love life. My guess is that the reason why she's not interested in dating is because of something that happened between her and her ex-boyfriend...which I've yet to find out about.

Trinity's P.O.V

After my breakdown, I grabbed my bag and put my phone and vape in there as I made my way to my car. It was a bit of a short drive so I could just drive into town anytime I wanted to. When I was about to drive up to my street, I saw that Mission street was terribly blocked off!

"Didn't anyone even bother to make a proper blockage for the street on both ends at least?" I thought to myself.

I shook my head free from the thought but realised what I promised myself that I would do tonight; do my research on Michael Myers! As soon as I parked my car in the garage and closed the garage door, I quickly hopped out of my car---making sure I grabbed my keys and bag and swiftly made my way to my room!

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