"Let's get this freakshow on the road."

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(Art by Saltygamber on Tumblr)

    He awoke happy, fulfilled. He was getting used to the sensation.

    There was a warmth wrapped around his waist, Hancock pressed against his back. He could hear the radio in the next room, Shaun's laughter, Piper chirping about something, big hulking footsteps, probably Strong's, and a soft mechanical whirring, Nick or Ada.

    The bed creaked as he stirred. "Mornin, sunshine."

    "How long you been up?"

    "Not long." Hancock shoved him. "It's late, doll. Your boy's waiting for you."

He sunk further into the mattress. There was a dread that came with waking up every morning. He had felt it with Nora and he was feeling it with John. Only now, it was louder.

"Time to get a move on..."

A lot louder.

The ghoul kissed at the back of his neck, plastering a giddy smile on his freckle-ridden face. "Stuff to do..." He continued peppering him with kisses until his freshly donned hat hit a well renowned ticklish spot, causing Mercer to nearly tumble off the mattress in a fit of laughter.

    "Right, right. I'm up." Slowly but surely he straightened himself and threw on some ratty clothes that were previously splattered on the floor. Cleaning the house was added to his to do list.

    "What's the plan for today?" The ghoul yawned as he stretched, making the bed frame creak.

    "Preston said he had something for me, might do some repairs on Ada, mural..."

"Haven't the garage walls been through enough, love?"

He scoffed. "Never."

"And Preston?"

"Another settlement."

"You're drownin in em already. Don't know how you keep up."

    He chuckled, "I don't." and halted in the doorway. His jaw clicked open, then clicked shut. 

    "Hm?" The ghoul slithered back under the loose sheets and splayed himself out.

    "Nothin... You oughta get up too. Don't think you're free to sleep all day just because I like you."

    "Oh, you like me now?"

    "Barely. Don't let it get to your head."

    Shaun jumped him the second he left the bedroom. He hadn't gotten an ounce of privacy since he moved them in a few years back, but he didn't mind it as much as he said he did.

    "What's going on in here?"

    Strong grumbled as he removed his eyes from Mercer and turned them to the radio. Piper was buried in a crumpled article. The author had horrible handwriting. He really regretted the loss of printers.

    "Coffee?" He took a seat beside the reporter and pulled Shaun into an awkward hug.

    "Not my job, ask Nick." She shrugged, not once removing her eyes from the dirty pages.

    "Little robot not here." Strong snapped.

    "Little robot." Nick would be bouncing off the walls had they heard that.

Shaun tapped a little rhythm on the counter.

"Whatcha reading?"

"About McDonough."

Jumpstart My Radioactive Heart- Hancock x Male Sole Survivor Where stories live. Discover now