My sunshine...

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3rd POV

Donghyuck immediately got and answered Mark's call (writing their conversation in text form because, im lazy)


Mark : oh my god hyuck calm down its not like i was gone for 1 year

Donghyuck : heyyyy u were gone for like... HOURS and you will be gone for 5 years anyways...

Mark : its only been a few hours come on and I was fixing my room

Donghyuck : Anyways, I missed you... what are you doing right now?

Mark : I missed you too and im just laying on y bed right now because, im tired. What about you?

Donghyuck : oh i was just laying on my bed waiting for you to text me or call me

Mark : oh sorry baby, I was doing something


Donghyuck and Mark finally finished talking and it was 11:00 PM already. Donghyuck was getting sleepy so he decided to just go brush his teeth and just eat tomorrow, If he didn't eat a single meal or try to skip a meal when Mark is here, Mark would have picked him up and just feed him or if Donghyuck didn't want to get up, Mark would have fed him himself in bed. Donghyuck finished brusing his teeth and changing into his pajamas, he messaged Mark saying that he's going to bed and went to dream land immediatly.
It's 3:00 AM on when Donghyuck suddenly woke up from a nightmare that he had, He woke up crying and couldn't stop crying. He turned to his side to hug Mark but then he remembered that Mark wasn't there and cried harder. He didn't go back to sleep after that and cried for 3-4 more hours and then, he finally fell asleep. He woke up at 8:00 in the morning and felt miserably. After a few minutes, He got up and decided to cook breakfast and text Mark. He saw Mark's message from the night before. He texted Mark about his nightmare and Mark immediatly responded by scolding him. Donghyuck's day just got better, But he does still wish that Mark is with him right now. Donghyuck just cooked some eggs, Mark's favorite food. He was just eating and look through his social media, He finished eating and he decided that he'll go to the mall today so, he can buy new clothes and buy other things that he probably didn't need but buys it anyways because, he thinks it's cute. Here's another thing Mark would have nagged about him for sure.


Donghyuck came home from buying some new clothes and he was for sure, tired. He dropped his shopping bags on their bedroom floor and fell on their bed, he was really tired. After a few minutes, he finally got up so he could go cook dinner and he got lazy so, he just heated up some left-over ramen that he and Mark cooked 3 days before Mark left... Donghyuck was smiling from the memories. After he finished eating and washing dishes, he decided to text mark and check up on what he was doing since he hasn't talked to Mark since earlier this morning...

Work count: 587 words

Editor's note: Hi guys! I'm very sorry if I haven't updated in a long time, it's just because of school since we have a lot of assignments but anyways, here is a new chapter you all deserve :)) thank you to everyone for waiting patiently and I will try my best to upload faster :))

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