Sam slapped him, hard enough that blood went spraying as Brian cried out. He slapped him several more times before bringing his hands down to his neck. "This'll shut you up. You want to talk jealously, homo?" He clenched Brian's throat, choking him again. "Zoey can't come kick your ass herself because she's off fucking Walker right now. They're probably in a closet somewhere, or maybe even the pool." He let go of Brian's neck, Brian coughing up blood. "I bet that makes you jealous, doesn't it? What's it like to love someone who you know for a fact will never feel the same way about you? Must be pretty depressing, especially for a sad little freak-show like yourself." Sam stood up, taking a step back. He turned to his friends. "Anyone else want to tap in? I feel like I'm having all the fun here." He brought his foot down on Brian's neck this time, pressing down hard.

Any dignity Brian had been managing to hold on to went out as terror flooded his body. He brought his hands to Sam's leg and began to desperately try to wriggle out from underneath him, but to his horror Sam's cronies had joined in. Craig sat down on his chest and grabbed his arms, pinning him down. Brian tried to kick him, but he felt hands wrap around his ankles, and he knew that the other boys were holding down his legs.

Brian would've screamed if he could get in any air. He'd never been so scared in his life. Sam had nearly choked him unconscious before, for no reason. Now, Brian had given him one. Was Sam going to do it? Would he die if he passed out? Was he never going to see Joe again?

Just as Brian was realizing that he should've just told Joe that he loved him when he had the chance, Sam removed his foot. Brian tried to roll over as he coughed and sucked in air, but Craig was still sitting on him. Tears streamed down his face as he sobbed, his body too weak to fight back.

"Not so tough now are you, homo?" Sam asked, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket.

"Please," Brian whispered, his voice coming out raspy. "P-please, stop with the ch-choking." He knew that he looked and sounded pathetic, but he was in too much pain to care. He knew that groveling was what they wanted. "It's t-too much, please."

Sam had lit his cigarette, and was staring down at Brian with a smile on his face as he smoked. "That's what I thought."

"Since when do you smoke cigarettes?" Doug asked.

"Zoey gave them to me. There's more than one good use for them." He knelt down, cigarette still in his mouth, and brought one of his hands back to Brian's neck. Brian immediately tensed up in fear, but Sam let his hand remain unclenched on his neck. "Just when you thought we were out of ways to torment you. Oh buddy, wait until you see what Zoey taught me." He pressed down with the one hand, not enough to choke Brian, but enough to make him uncomfortable. He was trembling from head to toe. "But first, let's do this one more time."

"S-Sam, please," Brian begged, coughing as the smoke blew into his face, and inside of his lungs. He could already barely breathe, it took all of his effort to force out words. "I-I don't want to die."

Craig rolled his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic, we're not going to kill you. You're fine." He looked at Sam. "Typical fucking homo, am I right?"

Sam shrugged. "I don't know. He may not be. Honestly, it depends on whether or not he can hold his breath."


Zoey crashed her lips against Joe's, wrapping her arms around his head. Joe tried to pull away, but she held him there, taking her time. Once she finally pulled away, she continued to pull him by the edges of his open shirt. "God, if it weren't for the fact that you don't like being affectionate in public, I'd have you right here." She whispered. She'd dragged him from outside to the middle of the living room.

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