Rage, You Damn Nerd

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Kaminari: He got over 700 meters?!

Uraraka: [Cutting to her] Finally, a hero-like record!

Iida: His finger's swollen! There was the entrance exam, too. He has a strange Quirk...

Aoyama: It's not very stylish.

Bakugo: Wh-What's with that power?! First the Lizard Now Deku! [Thinking] Everyone's Quirks manifest by the age of four. This is unthinkable! But in reality...

Flashback to junior high

Midoriya: Someone told me, "You can become a hero"... That it was because of my own effort...

Flashback ends, cutting back to Bakugo.

Bakugo: What is the meaning of this? Hey! Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard! [Deku gasps, Bakugo is suddenly restrained] What the--? These cloths are hard..!

Aizawa: They're weapons for capture made of carbon fiber woven together with metal wire made out of a special alloy. Jeez, don't keep making me use my Quirk over and over. I have dry eye!

Entire class: It's such a waste, since his Quirk is so amazing!

Frieza: (Thinking) hmmm... quite fascinating. He was able to channel 100% of his power through his finger to minimize the damage it would have done to his hole arm. Izuku, very impressive indeed.

Kale: hey frieza, what will your hero costume be when the time comes?

Frieza: oh for the love of-- is that all that was on your mind?

Kale: just curious is all.

Frieza: itll either be nothing at all, or something fitting. For an emporer such as my self.

Narrator: U.A.'s homeroom teacher for Class 1-A, Shota Aizawa. He can erase the Quirks of those he looks at. The effect goes away when he blinks!

Aizawa: We're wasting time. Whoever's next, go already. [Midoriya slowly backs away from Bakugo]

Uraraka: Is your finger alright?

Midoriya: Oh, yeah.

Bakugo: [Thinking] Until today, he was just a pebble on the side of the road.

Flashback to Midoriya and Bakugo's younger years

Midoriya: You're so lucky, Kacchan. Your Quirk's so cool! I hope I get mine soon, too.

Bakugo: No matter what Quirk you get, you'll never beat me.

Flashback ends

Bakugo: [Thinking] A pebble... on the side of the road!

"Episode 6: Rage, You Damn Nerd" is displayed before cutting to the class completing the other tests

Midoriya: [Narrating] After that, I fought against the pain as we finished the rest of the fitness tests.

Aizawa: [Cutting to him] Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results. The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It's a waste of time to explain verbally, so I'll show you the results all at once.

Midoriya: [Thinking] The person with the lowest total score will be expelled. The only result I had that I was any good in was the ball throw. For the rest of the tests, I did terribly because of the pain. [The scores are shown, with Midoriya in last. With Frieza and Kale in 1st and 2nd.] Last place will be... expelled?

Frieza: As expected, producing results at this stage is childs play.

Kale: it was fairly easy, I honestly thought I was going to fail miserably.

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