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Izuku: The hallowed grounds of UA, the school with the best hero training course in the world. The place every kid wants to go. Sure, there are similar programs out there, but they don't hold a candle to UA's. Which is why it's almost impossible to get in. The school's alumni list is a who's who of idols. All Might, the most famous pro there is, The legendary peacekeeper with the most wins under his belt, the firey hero, Endeavor, not to mention the denim clad award winning marvel Best Jeanist. Graduating from UA is basically a requirement if you want to be a great hero. And, so I held my head high and marched my way towards the entrance exams. This was it. The first step to achieving my dream of becoming a pro.

Random Guy: This is nice, It's like a whole city. Could you imagine how much it cost to build this!

Midoriya looks very anxious

Other Guy: UA is amazing!


Present Mic: Like your application said, today you rockin' boys and girls will be out there conducting 10-minute mock battles in super-hip urban settings! Okay, okay let's check out your targets. There's three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid-song guitar solo!

Flashback ends cutting to Midoriya who gulps nervously

Izuku: [to himself] *gulps* Okay, this is it, a mock battle. How come none of these guys seem nervous at all? Are they that confident? Whoa, some of them even have special gear! Hey it's her! The nice girl I met at the school gate! The one that was there when Frieza kepted me from falling!

Midoriya starts walking towards her

Izuku: I should probably thank her for helping me back there.

Iida grabs Midoriya’s shoulder stopping him. Midoriya turns around and sees Iida, screaming in terror

Izuku: [to himself] He's here too? Now that I think about it, hes probably angry because frieza defended me. Great now what?

Iida: She looks like she's trying to focus on the trials ahead. What are you going to do? Distract her and ruin her chances to succeed?

Midoriya, shocked and screams

Izuku: No no no no no no! Of course not!

Some Random Guy: Hey, over there. That's the guy who told off four eyes.

Everyone looks over to frieza

Other Guy: He practically destroyed that other guy in the lecture hall.

Some Random Guy: Dude, what a Savage! One more rival to worry about, I guess.

Everyone: [to Frieza] im your rival!

Frieza: none of these imps are hardly even a appetizer.

Izuku: Why do I feel like everyone's gunning for frieza?

Present Mic: Right, let's start!

{Iida and Midoriya look confused}

Present Mic: Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles! Run run run listeners! You're wasting airtime here!

[everyone except Midoriya and Frieza runs into the battle center]

Midoriya: Huh? Huh? I'm already behind!

{Midoriya starts running}

Frieza: 9...10! Ready or not, here I come!

Frieza casually walks through the city and finds a street littered with 3 point bots. He walks straight through the horde throw punches and kicks destroying the bots immediately without even breaking a sweat.

What if frieza was in MHA?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora