If Ruby wants to help you no matter what, then we have no complains
Hanamaru said with a smile

After talking to you and my sister, I thought that, if we could show them we can do things by ourselves, and they can graduate without worrying about us, then it's worth it
Ruby said

Leah said

Whaaaa!? It's from Lily! She said " where are you? You should be getting ready to go home"
Yoshiko shouted

Ah I totally forgot to tell them! C'mon we need to go!
Ruby said

Ahh! It's from Taiki! He said if you don't come back back right now, we'll leave you behind"
Yoshiko said

H-he doesn't seriously mean it right?
Yoshiko thought

"I mean it Yoshiko"
Taiki texted

Eh!? Did he read my mind?!

It's already this late! We gotta go!
We'll see you later Leah-chan!
Ruby said


"At the Airport"

Y-your staying!?
Dia asked nervously

That's right Zura, Leah-chan is feeling very sad, we'd like to cheer her up a little more, Zura

Zuramaru is right, she's super mega bummed out, we can't leave her like that
Yoshiko said

We're are you gonna stay?
Taiki asked

Fortunately, leah-chan's room is big enough for all of us, so we'll all stay there, Zura

Ohhhz that sounds like fun!
You said

It does, then why don't we also stay for a little while?
Taiki said

Yeah, it might be fun-
Dia said but was  cut off

Ahhh! You can't! Her room isn't really that big! Or how should I put it.......only 5 people can stay there!
Ruby said

That's right, Zura! In Addition, Leah-chan is really sensitive about this right now.

Five? Why five?...... wait a sec.......Sarah has her own room, then that leaves Leah, Ruby, hanamaru and Yoshiko, huh? You guys are only 4 people, why 5?
Taiki asked

Th-the truth is Taiki-kun.......we want you to stay and accompany us
Ruby said nervously

They said in schock

Why only taiki?
Mari asked

Could it be, that you're hiding something? That you want him to stay and keep it to only yourselves
Kanan said

Ruby and the others said

Ruby......what's going on? Would you mind telling me? Im kind of at a lost here
Taiki said

O-okay......Let's go over there for a sec
Ruby said while pulling on Taikis wrist

Wow, she's never tried to hold hands with him before.....
Mari said in surprise

She acting really strange
Kanan said

"But dia was silent and worried"

The truth is Taiki-kun "whisper"
Ruby whispered

I see.........then......I humbly accept!
Taiki said with a smile

Really!? You want to help us even though you're busy!?

Sure, I'll let riko handle the song for now, I can help her finish when we get back
Taiki said

That's great news then! C'mon let's tell them!

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