Chapter 6

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Peter woke up at 6:00, which was when he would usually wake up to go to school, but seeing as he was currently recovering from a life-threatening injury, and the day was Saturday, he didn't have to go to school. They tried to get back to sleep, but couldn't. So they sat there with only their thoughts until about 6:30, when Bruce walked in.
"Good morning, Peter," he said with a slightly awkward smile.
"Good morning, Bruce," Peter returned with the same awkwardness.
"I'm just here to change your bandages." Bruce said
Peter pulled the top of his gown down so Bruce could change his bandages.
    As he peeled the old bandages off, Bruce looked shocked.
    "What?" Peter asked, noticing the look of shock on the scientist's face.
    "Your- your wound has been completely healed," they said, stuttering slightly.
    "What?" Peter repeated, this time even more confused.
    "You're completely healed. As in, no sign of an injury or incision. There's not even a scar." Bruce answered, still in shock.
    "Well, why?" Peter inquired.
    "This is just a guess," Bruce said, "but it might be one of your powers. You might be able to heal wounds quickly. But to confirm, I need to run some tests on your blood."
"Ok," Peter said, dumbfounded.
Peter tried not to look scared while Bruce was drawing their blood, but failed at doing so.
"You don't have to worry," Bruce said, noticing Peter's expression, "I know what I'm doing, I've got steady hands. Just be glad that Strange isn't doing this."
Peter chuckled slightly after the last bit, and then the blood draw was over.
"Now, I see no reason why you should stay here," Bruce said, "you can leave if you'd like. I'll contact you later about the results of the tests."
Peter went to get out of bed, but quickly realized that he didn't have his binder on. "Hey, where's my binder?" they asked Bruce.
"Oh," Banner answered, "that had to be cut off when you arrived. It was too risky to try to take it off properly."
As if on cue, Tony walked into the room, holding Peter's newly repaired suit. "Hey kid," he said, "I've made some adjustments to your suit."
'Thanks!" Peter said as Tony handed him the suit. They quickly rushed to the bathroom that was connected to the hospital wing to try on the suit. It fit perfectly. It was just like it had been before, but this time with a binder. Peter admired how he looked in the mirror, how flat he looked. He was nearly in tears.
"Hurry up, kid," Tony said as he knocked on the door, "I don't have all day."
Peter opened the door to show off his improved suit.
"How does it feel?" Tony asked.
"It feels great!" Peter exclaimed.
"That was the point." Tony explained, "This binder should be safe to fight in, and it can loosen if it senses that you're having a hard time catching your breath."
"It's perfect, Mr. Stark," Peter said, "thank you."
"No problem, kid." Tony remarked, "Now, I gotta go, but feel free to hang here for the day. Some of the other Avengers are here, and it would do you good to get to know them better."

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