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Dracos pov

I was a mess. Looking for clothes everywhere, not knowing what to wear. Why did I care so much it was Potter, he was probably done getting ready and taking a nap.

I grabbed a black turtle neck and some gray trousers. This should do, I hope. I slipped them on and put on my nicely shined shoes. I always have crabbe or goyle shine them clean.

They do a pretty good job if you ask me. I looked up at the time and sprayed on some cologne. "Shit!" I was about to be late. Wonder if Potter think I ditched him. That would be so wrong

I ran quickly out of the common room and made my way down the dungeons

Harrys POV
I asked Ron to get me some food from the greathall earlier. Reason why, I was doing homework so I couldn't eat. I made him a small list of things like sandwiches and pastries. I didn't know what Malfoy liked to be honest but I was sure to put an apple down on the list.

He came back a bit later while I was pulling on a red hoodie. I didn't dress formally more Normally. Just jeans and a hoodie. " here mate and I er borrowed this basket from the greathall it held all of the toast and it was empty so I took it."

" thanks Ron" I took the basket from him and took one of the sheets that were left under the beds as extras just in case of an ' accident'

" so how's it going so far?" I slipped on my black shoes that seemed to have mud or dirt on them rubbed on the side. " great, I have him wrapped around my finger. And it's quite fascinating really." Ron sat down on my bed and grinned " bloody hell who knew your enemy would fall for you so easily Harry" I nodded In agreement and opened the door to my dormitory. " anyway I'll see you, lock the door when you leave"


I arrived just in time and set the sheet down on the grass in front of the lake. Setting the basket down and then myself. I watched as the water remained untouched and how the sun made it look so beautiful.


A couple more minutes had pass and my hopes were actually starting to shred. That was until " Potter! Potter! Sorry I'm late I just-" the blonde said catching his breath " I got caught up in a conversation" I eyed him and noticed his outfit

It was nice. It made the boy look good. Really good. I patted the spot next to me and he sat down looking at the basket with a smirk. " don't. Ron got it for me." He chuckled and nodded. " so how are you Potter?" I opened the basket " starvinggg" I pulled out most of the dishes and went for a pastry. " haven't eaten?" Said the blonde

" no, would you like to try a bite" I held out the pastry. This moment reminded me of when Ginny offered me a- " um i don't really like sugar but if you insist" I shook my head as he took a nibble and nodded " good" he said muffled.

It was adorable.

" what's your favorite flower Draco" he made a confused expression " mm those magical black roses" A black rose? I've never heard of those "oh ok" I finished eating and saw him grabbing something from the basket. " I love these" he said and pulled out a green apple.

Good thing I told Ron to pack that. " I knew it"

3rd person pov

Malfoy took the apple out and took a bite. Potter stared at his hands as they gripped the apple. They weren't that big and they were skinny and slim. Yet he thought they were beautiful compared to his.

" never knew you could be so nice" said the blonde " well you don't know much about me, do you now Malfoy?" Malfoy shrugged and took another bite.

After a while he finished it and set it down. " Malfoy." Potter said. Malfoy turned " hm?"

" have you ever made out with someone?" Malfoys eyes went wide "erm pansy and um this other chick but never a guy" he said turning his head back to play with his rings

Potter smirked " wanna change that?" Malfoy opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Potter grabbed his neck and pulled him closer. Malfoy liked it tho.

" do you like that draco?" Malfoy just looked at him and gulped.

" of course you do" said the brunette

He leaned in and kissed the blonde.

Dracos pov

There it went again. He kissed me.

It wasn't awkward, it was nice and slow. Right when I was going to pull away his grip on my neck tightened

I guess that was the whole point of snogging. I kissed him a bit harder bitting down on his bottom lip. I could feel his lip curving up forming into a smirk as tho he liked it.

He moved his hand to my waist and left the other on my neck and squeezed. I gasped and suddenly a new warm feeling was in my mouth. Something brushing against my tongue, it was his tongue.

I started swirling my tongue around his and he held onto my neck tighter. I let out a groan and pulled away. His lips were beautiful and swollen

I felt a pain growing on my cheeks and traced the lines I felt on my face. " Potter!" He smirked and said " you were very good at swirling your tongue Malfoy"

" your dumbass glasses left marks on my face!"

" have you ever done work with your tongue before" he said again

It's like he doesn't listen " I'm asking you a question!" He sighed " Draco calm down they are gonna go away"

I crossed my arms " now answer my question" I looked at him as he raised an eyebrow " If you're asking me if I have sucked a dick then yes I have."

Harrys POV

" If you're asking me if I have sucked a dick then yes I have."

I felt a bit of jealousy build up inside of me. But why shouldn't I he's mine to use.

" who?" What if he was faking I mean- " Blaise" wasn't he his best friend I mean I wouldn't have used my best friend as a practice.

I got up and looked at him. " do it to me right now" I said

He gave me a strange look and then got up himself " maybe later potty I have somewhere to be but I had a good time"

The git closer and put his hand on my crotch and then palmed it one or two times. " My My Potter you really are small"

I thankfully kept my groan in. I smirked and chuckled " yeah totally small" I gave him a quick wink and stuffed my hands in my pockets

"Well I guess I should go I'll see you around."I said

Then he came closer and blushed. " oh shut up Potter" he kissed me quickly and then walked away

" oh Malfoy, Malfoy, Malfoy. How clueless are you?" I watched as the blonde walked into the castle with a bright smile

How Pathetic and

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