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Harrys POV

Quidditch practice sucked. Reason, ginny was there and she had been looking so beautiful. Flying around, bossing people around and correcting them of course. I don't understand why me and her couldn't just had taken a break. She looked at me a couple times with guilt I don't know why, maybe cause she just dumped you idiot.

Besides that point I snatched my invisibility cloak from the bench in the corner of the room and put it over me. I was wearing striped blue pajama pants and a normal blue shirt. It was night anyway so what's wrong with it? He put it over his head and walks out of his dorm and towards the dungeons.


Dracos POV

I buttoned up my silk dark green pajama shirt and put the pants on that matched it. Lazily I shut off the lights and opened the covers to my bed. Before laying down I grabbed the cup of water that was on my night stand and had a drink. It was a routine, just to drink a bit of water before I went off to sleep.

I gulped it down and laid down yawning and pulling the blanket back on. Shutting my eyes and dazing off to sleep slowly and slowly and..


Harrys POV

I waited outside for Malfoy for the past hour. YES. 60 minutes of MY time waisted. Unbelievable. That's when a slytherin was sneaking out of their common room. I watched as they ran off and i noticed they had left the door halfway opened. Lucky me. I thought. I entered slowly making sure no one was there. Then made my way towards the boys dormitory.

Each door has the initials of the person who owns the room. For example mine was H.J.P
So I believe Drac- Malfoys should be D.M

I walked into the tiny hall where there were twelve doors six on each side. Looking around I finally found D.L.M. Wait-

Draco..Luke Malfoy? Draco, lack, Malfoy? Draco,love,Malfoy? * oh- ohhhhhhh " Draco Lucius Malfoy. Well that makes sense" I whispers quietly and knocked on the white door.

No answer.

I tried again this time knocking four times

No answer.

I moved my hand down to the handle and twisted. Once again lucky for me it was open. The door made a small creak and I entered trying to see in the darkness that surrounded the room. The only light was the one that was shining on the sleeping pale boy. I closed the door and took the cloak off.

Bastard fell asleep on me . He's the one who told mr to come too. Stupid ferret. I walked over to where he was laying and put my arm on his slim arm then shook.




Once more.


I grabbed his boney hip and held my other hand on his arm then shook repeatedly






Dracos eyes snapped open.

Oh fu-

" What the hell potter! I'm trying to sleep! What are you doing here?!?"

" YOU said WE were gonna work on the project" i said

He just stared at me. Why was he staring

" I waited a damn hour to get in here and you were asleep?!"


I felt blush creep up to my cheeks and rolled my eyes.

" come on let's just get to work I'm tired."

Malfoy nodded and got up

3rd persons POV

Malfoy didn't turn on the lights. Instead he lit a candle. His favorite one. Apples and mint. He's always liked that one. Since he was a child.

They were both set on the floor of malfoys dorm. Potter obviously not wanting to sit on malfoys bed. The candle was between them also on the wooden floor and they were across from eachother.

" silk really?" Potter asked with a scoff

" don't talk you look like you came out of the hospital wing with those things" he pointed at potter's pjs.

Potter ignored and opened his book.

They both sat there on the ground
Quietly researching
What they

After a while of studying they were done with all their words.

Yawing Malfoy shut his book and looked at Potter.

It looked like Potter was writing down some last minute things.

I looked over at Potter and stared at him. He was finishing up his research. The thing was he was so focused and I couldn't help but find it attractive. Wait- no- it's terrible he's a geek, right?

Maybe I just found him attractive. Maybe. I mean I kind off liked him since the third year- no no I'm straight. I think

" ok I'm done" he said and yawned

" alright then just keep your own work and we can work on it more tomorrow in class, yeah?"

"Yeah sure whatever" I got up and set my book in my bag.

The brunette got up quickly and grabbed his cloak. " well erm night Malfoy" he put on his cloak and walked out of the room.

" night Potter"

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