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"Another one, please," I say as I slide my empty glass across the bar top.

The bartender picks up my glass and pours me another shot of tequila. I'm about to just dump it, but I'm acutely aware of Toby standing over my left shoulder. I sigh. "Can you please not do that?"

He glances at me for a second before turning back to the room. He scans slowly, probably keeping his eye out for a sniper or maybe someone with a phone pulled out, ready to take pictures. Not like I'm doing anything wrong.

"Do what?" he asks.

"You're like a bird of prey just staring at everyone."

Toby doesn't look at me when he says, "My duty is to protect you."

"Shouldn't you be in Greece with Derek and Grant and everyone else?"

"No. I should be here with you. If you drank at home like I suggested, you wouldn't even notice me right now."

I take the shot and shiver as it run down my throat. "Another," I say to the bartender. I turn to Toby and I notice a lot of people noticing us, which makes me uncomfortable. "If you'd just sit, it wouldn't be so obvious that you're my bodyguard."

"I'm not a bodyguard," he tells me.

"Fine. Sorry. But please sit down."

After another few seconds, Toby sits down next to me, still overlooking the rest of the bar.

"Do you want a drink?" I ask him.

"No. Not while I'm working."

He seems so buttoned-up. "What's going on with you? You're so serious."

Toby shakes his head. "Nothing. I'm fine. When are you friends supposed to be here?"

"They bailed. They're busy."

He looks at me. "So what, you're just drinking alone?"

"I'm not alone. You're with me."

"Doctor Grey—"

"Meredith," I correct him.

"Fine, Meredith, I'm not sure what the President would say if he knew you were out drinking on your own. It doesn't look good."

I roll my eyes. "Please. I'm a grown woman and if I want to have a few drinks after a stressful day, I'll have a few drinks." I count in my head and I've only had three so far. My insides are warm, but my head is totally clear. "If you're so concerned, you can go. I'll happily drink alone."

Toby remains seated next to me.

"So be it," I say and motion for another drink.


My day started fine. I had two patients on the board for afternoon surgeries—very routine, a colectomy and a kidney transplant. Between my two surgeries, I got a page for a consult. Along the way, since the page wasn't 911, I called Derek.

"Have you met any Greek gods yet?" I asked after he said hello.

Derek laughed. "Not yet. I'll take a picture with one when I do."

"You better. How's Greece?"

"Beautiful. Romantic."

"Romantic? With Alan and Grant? That's sweet."

He laughed again. "I should say it would be romantic if you were here."

I wanted to go with Derek and he had offered, but with work slipping lately and all the other obligations that comes with planning a wedding and being the future wife of the President, I just couldn't make it work. Plus, the press is already on my back enough; I didn't want to add fuel to their fire.

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